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The best statement of the main idea of this passage is that ______. A. human brains

The best statement of the main idea of this passage is that ______.

A. human brains differ considerably

B. the brain a person is born with is important in determining his intelligence

C. environment is crucial in determining a person's intelligence

D. a person who is handicapped environmentally will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable

更多“The best statement of the main idea of this passage is that ______. A. human brains”相关的问题


The term foreign exchange is best defined by the following statement: it is ______.A.the r

The term foreign exchange is best defined by the following statement: it is ______.

A.the rate of exchange between two currencies

B.synonymous with currency exchange

C.the place in which foreign currencies are exchanged

D.an instrument such as paper currency, note, and check used to make payments between countries



选词填空:Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development.“The adolescent becomes

Section A 2016年6月英语六级卷一真题

Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development.“The adolescent becomes an adult when he_26_a real job.”To cognitive researchers like Piaget,adulthood meant the beginning of an_27_.

Piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world of work,their newly acquired ability to form. hypotheses allows them to create representations that are too ideal.The_28_of such ideals,without the tempering of the reality of a job or profession,rapidly leads adolescents to become _29_ of the non-idealistic world and to press for reform. in a characteristically adolescent way.Piaget said:“True adaptation to society comes_30_when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work.”

Of course,youthful idealism is often courageous,and no one likes to give up dreams.Perhaps,taken_31_out of context,Piaget’s statement seems harsh.What he was_32_,however,is the way reality can modify idealistic views.Some people refer to such modification as maturity.Piaget argued that attaining and accepting a vocation is one of the best ways to modify idealized views and to mature.

As careers and vocations become less available during times of _33_,adolescents may be especially hard hit.Such difficult economic times may leave many adolescents_34_about their roles in society.For this reason,community interventions and government job programs that offer summer and vacation work are not only economically_35_but also help to stimulate the adolescent’s sense of worth.

A)automatically I)incidentally

B)beneficial J)intolerant

C)capturing K)occupation

D)confused L)promises

E)emphasizing M)recession

F)entrance N)slightly

G)excited O)undertakes




If you need a transfusion, the best and safest blood for you is______.A. type AB B. e

If you need a transfusion, the best and safest blood for you is______.

A. type AB

B. exactly the same type as yours

C. a mixture of salt, plasma and type O

D. type A



I believe this is the best movie of the year.

—-Well.()Anyway,the ending is O


B.that's a good idea.

C.that may not be a good idea.

D.I'm not sure if you're right.



try的三个用法:1.try __(尝试去做 较为努力);2.try__(尝试去做 随便尝试);3.try__(尽某人做大的努力)()

A.to do sth; doing sth;one's best to do sth

B.o sth; doing sth;one's best to do sth

C.oing sth;to do sth;one's best doing sth



Directions: Read the following passage and the statements that follow. Choose the best answer for each statement from the three choices marked A, B and C.

Directions: Read the following passage and the statements that follow. Choose the best answer for each statement from the three choices marked A, B and C.

It sounds like an infomercial from late-night TV: Follow this four-step plan and improve your memory in just 14 days!

But researchers have indeed found a way to improve memory function in older people. After a two-week study that involved brainteasers (脑筋急转弯), exercise and diet changes, study participants' memories worked more efficiently.

Here's the program:

Memory Training: brainteasers, crossword puzzles and memory exercises that emphasized verbal skills throughout the day.

Healthy Diet: Five meals daily included a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fats, whole grains and antioxidants (抗氧化剂). Eating frequent meals prevents dips in blood glucose (血糖), the primary energy source for the brain.

Physical Fitness: Brisk daily walks and stretching. Physical fitness has been found in other research to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Stress Reduction: Stretching and relaxation exercises. Stress causes the body to release cortisol (皮质醇), which can impair memory and has been found to shrink the memory centers in the brain.

1. Researchers spent fourteen days finding a way to improve people’s memory().



C.Not Mentioned

2.What is TRUE about the ABC rule for online shopping()?

A.It’s a very easy rule, as easy as learning ABC

B.It’s the basic safety rule for online shopping provided by the writer

C.It’s the first letter of the three rules: About me, Benefits, Choices, hence ABC

D.All of the above

3.Either the dean or the principal()the meeting.



C.are attending

D.have attended

4.Mistake is acceptable during the process of paper cutting().



C.Doesn’t say

5.Many a child()to walk before he can speak.




D.have learned

6.The author quoted the three adjectives used by the guide to describe Istanbul because().

A.the author knows Istanbul very well

B.the author’s ambitions of sightseeing dwindled away after Italy

C.Istanbul is so characteristic that it’s hard to describe it in one word

D.the author is very interested in Istanbul



Researchers in the field of psychology have found that one of the best ways to make an imp
ortant decision, such as choosing a university to attend or a business to invest in, involves the utilization of a decision worksheet. Psychologists who study optimization compare the actual decisions made by people to theoretical ideal decisions to see how similar they are. Proponents of the worksheet procedure believe that it will yield optimal, that is, the best decisions. Although there are several variations on the exact format that worksheets can take, they are all similar in their essential aspects. Worksheets require defining the problem in a clear and concise way and then listing all possible solutions to the problem. Next, the pertinent considerations that will be affected by each decision are listed, and the relative importance of each consideration or consequence is determined. Each consideration is assigned a numerical value to reflect its relative importance. A decision is mathematically calculated by adding these values together. The alternative with the highest number of points emerges as the best decision.

Since most important problems are multifaceted, there are several alternatives to choose from, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. One of the benefits of a pencil and paper decision-making procedure is that it permits people to deal with more variables than their minds can generally comprehend and remember. On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once. A worksheet can be especially useful when the decision involves a large number of variables with complex relationships. A realistic example for many college students is the question "What sill I do after graduation?" A graduate might seek a position that offers specialized training, pursue an advanced degree, or travel abroad for a year.

A decision-making worksheet begins with a succinct statement of the problem that will also help to narrow it. It is important to be clear about the distinction between long range and immediate goals because long-range goals often involve a different decision than short range ones. Focusing on long-range goals, a graduating student might revise the question above to "What will I do after graduation that will lead to successful career?"

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.A method to assist in making complex decisions.

B.A comparison of actual decisions and ideal decisions.

C.Research on how people make decisions.

D.Differences between long-range and short-range decision making.



How to Handle a Bad Performance Review

Getting a bad performance review can make you feel angry, unappreciated, defeated, and hopeless. But it's not the end of the world. Remember that the way you respond to this appraisal can make all the difference in the next one. Even if you believe that the review is inaccurate and that your boss is completely wrong, you will benefit by reacting in a mature, adult manner.  Here are some suggestions:

Stay calm. Relax. Breathe. Do not overreact and be objective. Especially, do not say things that will likely be regretted later. Besides, the person giving the performance review may or may not be the one who has written the bad review.

What to Do When Receiving a Bad Performance Review

It's best to listen attentively. And make comments or remarks only when asked for them.  Besides, during the performance review, you will be given the chance to respond and may disagree.

What to Do After Receiving a Bad Performance Review

Don't be intimidated by the bad performance review and want to quit the job; instead, learn from it. Also, if the organization allows their employees to make a written statement on their own behalf, do make one. It is important for the worker to show why she does not agree with the bed performance review; for instance, an employee may express their different understanding and, at the same time, a willingness to comply with any constructive suggestions.

Ways to Improve a Bad Performance Review

A way to improve a bad performance review is to set self-reviews, that is, establish performance standards. Another way to improve a bad review is to learn more about what the manager, supervisor, or boss wants or expects from his/her employees. Learning what it was that caused a bad performance review helps to improve professional growth and encourages as well as motivates the worker to do better in order to receive a good review next time.


1.What should you do when you are given a bad performance review?

A. Argue with your boss.

B. Make immediate remarks.

C. Stay calm and listen carefully.

2. What should you do after you are given a bad performance review?

A. Quit your job immediately.

B. Insist on making comments.

C. Learn from the review.

3.What should you do if you do not agree with the bad performance review?

A. Tell the boss directly that you do not agree with the review.

B. Make a written statement on your own behalf if it is allowed.

C. Do not express your different understanding in a written statement.

4.How do you improve a bad performance review?

A. Understand the established performance standards.

B. Learn more about what the employee wants or expects.

C. Learn what the person who gives the review may think.

5.Why should we understand the cause of a bad performance review?

A. Because it helps the employee to get promoted immediately.

B. Because it encourages and motivates the worker to do better.

C. Because it prevents the employee from professional growth.



Directions:Read the following passage and the statements that follow. Choose the best answer for each statement from the four choices marked A, B,C and D.

Directions:Read the following passage and the statements that follow. Choose the best answer for each statement from the four choices marked A, B,C and D.

The Internet is an exciting tool that puts vast information at your fingertips. With a click of a mouse, it lets you buy an airline ticket, book a hotel, send flowers to a friend, or purchase your favorite stock.

Security on the Internet

Shopping online offers lots of benefits that you won’t find while shopping in a store or by mail. The Internet is always open—seven days a week, 24 hours a day—and bargains can be numerous online. Shopping on the Internet is no less safe than shopping in a store or by mail. Keep the following tips in mind to help ensure that your online shopping experience is a safe one.


When exploring online, think ABC to remember the privacy and security questions you should ask about a company.

About me. What information does the company collect from me and is it secure?

Benefits. How does the company use that information and what is the benefit to me?

Choices. What choices do I have about the company’s use of information about me? Can I choose not to have the information used for other purposes, and how?

1.The real meaning behind “with the click of a mouse” may be ().

A.with the use of computer and internet

B.just the action of clicking the mouse

C.with the information

D.none of the above

2.Which of the following is the most efficient way to reduce age related memory loss()?

A.Eating more meat and doing more exercises.

B.Eating right foods and getting sufficient amounts of sleep

C.Taking more medicine and doing more exercises

D.Taking more herbs and eating more food

3.Most of his savings()in the Xin Hua Bank.

A.has been kept

B.is being kept

C.have kept

D.have been kept

4.By “permissive period in education” the author means a time().

A.when children are allowed to do what they wish to

B.when everything can be taught at school

C.when every child can be educated

D.when children are permitted to receive education

5.Jogging is the best way for stretching and relaxation and helps to reduce many diseases().



C.Not Mentioned

6.What is this passage mainly about()?

A.Shopping online safely

B.Differences between shopping online and in the store

C.Internet is convenient

D.Benefits of shopping online

7.We learn from the passage that the author’s mother used to lay emphasis on().

A.learning Latin

B.natural development


D.education at school

8. What’s the main idea of the text()?

A.Chinese fashion designer got start in the industry two decades ago

B.China has made a great difference in latest fashion

C.A small number of established Chinese designers have been in business for less than 10 years

D.The Chinese fashion world is constantly growing

9. The country had little interaction with the outside world, which meant all of the following but().

A.no fashion magazines

B.no designer labels

C.no events like China Fashion Week

D.no fashion designers

10.Jim is the only one of the staff members who()to be promoted.


B.have been


D.has been

11.The main idea of the passage is that().

A.parents should leave their children alone

B.kids should have more activities at school

C.it’s time to be more strict with our kids

D.parents should always set a good example to their kids

12.Which of the following is NOT true according to Paragraph 2()?

A.It is shown that one area of the brain known as the hippocampus is important in recalling information

B.The process of creating memories has been already understood and it involves three main steps.

C.Scientists believed that neurons first transform. the sensory stimuli into images in our immediate memory

D.Scientists don’t know exactly how the information is transferred from one area of the brain to another

13.Outdoor learning helps students learn in science and arts().



C.Doesn’t say

14.All that can be done().

A.has done

B.has been done

C.have done

D.have been done

15. What should we do in order to communicate with the foreigners in a proper way()?

A.Shake hands with them whenever you meet the foreigners

B.Be familiar with their culture and use it in a correct way

C.Say “Where are you going?” instead of “Hi, have you had your meal?” when meeting on the street

D.Say nothing to them if we meet them

16.By paragraph 2 we can see Istanbul is().

A.a leisure city

B.a busy city

C.a developed city

D.a developing city

17. According to the text, the following sentences are true except().

A.Chinese designers are looking to foreign countries to find retail success

B.China had little interaction with the outside world two decades ago

C.China has gone from a fashion black hole to an industry hub in twenty years

D.the future of Chinese fashion is bright



Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

The purpose of any selection interview is to choose the right person for the job in question or to select someone who shows potential for more senior posts. Interviews may not be the ideal method of selecting staff. For one thing, you will not know whether you have selected wisely until long after the interview. The period you have to wait will depend on the job in question. The lower the level of the job is, the quicker you will discover how good you were with your selection. Be clear what you are trying to achieve by the interview and how you intend to do it.

Interviewing requires many skills which typically only develop with practice. Be careful that you are not being subjective in your judgments(判断); try to be objective wherever possible. An example may illustrate the point. If you interview a long-haired male applicant, you may be put off by the length of his hair; you may associate the long hair with untidiness, dirt or laziness.

This is a subjective judgment—another interviewer may not be affected by hair length in the same way.

Subjective misjudgment is sometimes called the "halo and horn" effect. We meet someone neatly dressed and well-spoken, and from this we assume that they are all things good; that they will be reliable, honest, hard working, etc. We are blinded by their halo. Conversely, on meeting a roughly-spoken, scruffy(褴褛的)individual we decide they will be unreliable, careless and lazy. We only see their horns. This problem needs to be overcome, since we could so easily overlook first-class candidates(候选人)for vital posts because we have not been objective.

Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the essay?

A.Things to pay attention to when interviewing job applicants.

B.Things to pay attention to when applying for a job.

C.Advice to how to be subjective.

D.The importance of a selection interview.

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