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(b) Discuss the view that fair value is a more relevant measure to use in corporate report

(b) Discuss the view that fair value is a more relevant measure to use in corporate reporting than historical cost.

(12 marks)

更多“(b) Discuss the view that fair value is a more relevant measure to use in corporate report”相关的问题


(d) Calculate the ex dividend share price predicted by the dividend growth model and discu

(d) Calculate the ex dividend share price predicted by the dividend growth model and discuss the company’s

view that share price growth of at least 8% per year would result from expanding into the retail camera

market. Assume a cost of equity capital of 11% per year. (6 marks)



Some commentators argue that: ‘With continuing pressure to control costs and maintain effi
ciency, the time has come for all public sector organisations to embrace zero-based budgeting. There is no longer a place for incremental budgeting in any organisation, particularly public sector ones, where zero-based budgeting is far more suitable anyway.’


(a) Discuss the particular difficulties encountered when budgeting in public sector organisations compared with budgeting in private sector organisations, drawing comparisons between the two types of organisations. (5 marks)

(b) Explain the terms ‘incremental budgeting’ and ‘zero-based budgeting’. (4 marks)

(c) State the main stages involved in preparing zero-based budgets. (3 marks)

(d) Discuss the view that ‘there is no longer a place for incremental budgeting in any organisation, particularly public sector ones,’ highlighting any drawbacks of zero-based budgeting that need to be considered. (8 marks)



The publication of IFRS 9, Financial Instruments, represents the completion of the first s
tage of a three-part project to replace IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement with a new standard. The new standard purports to enhance the ability of investors and other users of financial information to understand the accounting of financial assets and reduces complexity.


(a) (i) Discuss the approach taken by IFRS 9 in measuring and classifying financial assets and the main effect that IFRS 9 will have on accounting for financial assets. (11 marks)

(ii) Grainger, a public limited company, has decided to adopt IFRS 9 prior to January 2012 and has decided to restate comparative information under IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. The entity has an investment in a financial asset which was carried at amortised cost under IAS 39 but will be valued at fair value through profit and loss (FVTPL) under IFRS 9. The carrying value of the assets was $105,000 on 30 April 2010 and $110,400 on 30 April 2011. The fair value of the asset was $106,500 on 30 April 2010 and $111,000 on 30 April 2011. Grainger has determined that the asset will be valued at FVTPL at 30 April 2011.


Discuss how the financial asset will be accounted for in the financial statements of Grainger in the year ended 30 April 2011. (4 marks)

(b) Recently, criticisms have been made against the current IFRS impairment model for financial assets (the incurred loss model). The issue with the incurred loss model is that impairment losses (and resulting write-downs in the reported value of financial assets) can only be recognised when there is evidence that they exist and have been incurred. Reporting entities are not allowed currently to consider the effects of expected losses. There is a view that earlier recognition of loan losses could potentially reduce the problems incurred in a credit crisis.

Grainger has a portfolio of loans of $5 million which was initially recognised on 1 May 2010. The loans mature in 10 years and carry an interest rate of 16%. Grainger estimates that no loans will default in the first two years, but from the third year onwards, loans will default at an annual rate of about 9%. If the loans default as expected, the rate of return from the portfolio will be approximately 9·07%. The number of loans are fixed without any new lending or any other impairment provisions.


(i) Discuss briefly the issues related to considering the effects of expected losses in dealing with impairment of financial assets. (4 marks)

(ii) Calculate the impact on the financial statements up to the year ended 30 April 2013 if Grainger anticipated the expected losses on the loan portfolio in year three. (4 marks)

Professional marks will be awarded in question 4 for clarity and quality of discussion. (2 marks)



3 The Chemical Services Group plc (CSG), which operates a divisionalised structure, provid

3 The Chemical Services Group plc (CSG), which operates a divisionalised structure, provides services to industrial and

domestic customers in Swingland, a country whose economic climate is subject to significant variations. There have

been a number of recent changes at board level within CSG and therefore the managing director called a meeting of

the board of directors at which each of four recently appointed directors put forward their view as to what their primary

focus should be. These were as follows:

The research and development director stated that ‘my primary focus is upon ensuring that we continue to develop

the products and services that satisfy the requirements of our existing and potential customers’.

The finance director stated that ‘my primary focus is upon keeping our investors satisfied’.

The human resources director stated that ‘my primary focus is upon ensuring that we take all the steps necessary to

establish and maintain our reputation as a responsible employer’.

The corporate affairs director stated that ‘my primary focus is upon the need to ensure that we are recognised as a

socially responsible organisation’.


(a) Discuss the criteria that should be considered in deciding upon suitable performance measures in respect of

the primary focus of each of the FOUR directors of CSG providing THREE appropriate quantitative measures

for each primary focus.

Note: your answer may include financial or non-financial quantitative measures. (12 marks)



Brick by Brick (BBB) is a building business that provides a range of building services to

Brick by Brick (BBB) is a building business that provides a range of building services to the public. Recently they have been asked to quote for garage conversions (GC) and extensions to properties (EX) and have found that they are winning fewer GC contracts than expected.

BBB has a policy to price all jobs at budgeted total cost plus 50%. Overheads are currently absorbed on a labour hour basis. BBB thinks that a switch to activity based costing (ABC) to absorb overheads would reduce the cost associated to GC and hence make them more competitive.

You are provided with the following data:

Brick by Brick (BBB) is a building business that p

A typical GC costs $3,500 in materials and takes 300 labour hours to complete. A GC requires only one site visit by a supervisor and needs only one planning document to be raised. The typical EX costs $8,000 in materials and takes 500 hours to complete. An EX requires six site visits and fi ve planning documents. In all cases labour is paid $15 per hour.


(a) Calculate the cost and quoted price of a GC and of an EX using labour hours to absorb the overheads. (5 marks)

(b) Calculate the cost and the quoted price of a GC and of an EX using ABC to absorb the overheads. (5 marks)

(c) Assuming that the cost of a GC falls by nearly 7% and the price of an EX rises by about 2% as a result of the change to ABC, suggest possible pricing strategies for the two products that BBB sells and suggest two reasons other than high prices for the current poor sales of the GC. (6 marks)

(d) One BBB manager has suggested that only marginal cost should be included in budget cost calculations as this would avoid the need for arbitrary overhead allocations to products. Briefl y discuss this point of view and comment on the implication for the amount of mark-up that would be applied to budget costs when producing quotes for jobs. (4 marks)



Everybody telecommuting(远程办公) .“It won’t work in most jobs”, “It costs too much”, “I
t reduces air pollution”, “It helps people balance family and work responsibilities”, and “Most people are doing it”.

In reality researchers continue to find strong growth and acceptance of telecommuting. Nearly two-thirds of the top 1000 companies in the world have a telecommuting program,and 92 percent say it reduces cost and improves worker productivity(生产力) .The days of everyone commuting to the office five days a week are quickly disappearing.

Telecommuting involves a non-traditional work arrangement enabling workers to work at home or elsewhere,some or all of the time. This is not a new, novel, or untested way of working.

But is it for you? Telecommuting is not a panacea(万能药) .Whether you are a manager, or an HR(Human Resources) specialist, there are decisions to make and actions to take before you begin a telecommuting arrangement.

Join us for any or all of the following meetings to get answers, information, and resources to develop and carry out a successful telecommuting arrangement. Each meeting offers you an informative presentation followed by the opportunity for a discussion with a panel of “experts” who have made telecommuting work for them.

1.How do people look at telecommuting according to the first paragraph______

A、They are against it

B、They don’t care about it

C、They share the same view

D、They differ in their opinions

2.According to the response of most of the top 1000 companies, telecommuting_________.

A、increases worker productivity

B、will disappear in the near future

C、cannot be accepted by the public

D、is practiced in all the top companies

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE of telecommuting______

A、It is up to the employees to accept it or not

B、It is getting popular in different companies

C、It is a new untested way of working

D、It is a traditional work arrangement

4.Before beginning a telecommuting arrangement,the management should______.

A、appoint a new HR spec

B、provide the facilities and conditions

C、improve the company’s productivity first

D、decide whether it is suitable for the company

5.According to the last paragraph,meetings are held to___________.

A、appreciate the efforts of the telecommuting companies

B、discuss the employment of telecommuting experts

C、help introduce the practice of telecommuting

D、train people before



(b) Discuss the limitations of the above estimates. (6 marks)

(b) Discuss the limitations of the above estimates. (6 marks)



Sometimes they discuss ______ each other.







(b) (i) Discuss the relationship between the concepts of ‘business risk’ and ‘financial st

(b) (i) Discuss the relationship between the concepts of ‘business risk’ and ‘financial statement risk’; and

(4 marks)








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