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The TV show _____ the Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau let many people see ____ under the sea.

A.was called, what was life like

B.called, how life was like

C.was called, that life was like

D.called, what life was like

更多“The TV show _____ the Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau let many people see ____ under the sea.”相关的问题


Teenagers tend to have strange clothes and hairstyles because they______.A.want to show th

Teenagers tend to have strange clothes and hairstyles because they______.

A.want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own

B.have a strong desire to be leaders in style. and taste

C.have no other way to enjoy themselves better

D.want to irritate their parents



The writer feels long bus rides are like TV shows becauseA.the commercials both on TV show

The writer feels long bus rides are like TV shows because

A.the commercials both on TV shows and on billboards along the road are fun

B.they both have a beginning, a middle, and an end, with commercials in every three or four minutes

C.the drivers are always reckless on TV shows just as they are on buses

D.both traveling and watching TV are not exciting



In the first sentence of last paragraph, "program" would probably mean______.A.a performan

In the first sentence of last paragraph, "program" would probably mean______.

A.a performance

B.a show

C.a worked-out set of instructions

D.a TV play




A.SH 外教蓝人不在教室,技术老师查询老师课前9分钟进入过教室但课程开始后未出现过在教室里,联系不上,无任何回复。---------Teacher no show

B.TH 学生蓝人不在教室,致电家长反馈学生生病不想上课了,老师一直在教室等待-------Student IT problem

C.SH 老师蓝人,课程开始后未进入教室上课,经技术核实老师使用phone尝试登陆教室---------Teacher no show

D.TH 学生在卫生间上课,联系家长过程中 老师留言学生在厕所上课后离开教室,没有等满五分钟, 课程无法结束----------Teacher IT Problem



Children today spend more time stare at computer and 【1】______TV screens both at school an

Children today spend more time stare at computer and 【1】______

TV screens both at school and at home. Scientific 【2】______

studies show an epidemic of myopia (also known as nearsightedness) has struck children—and it is spreading faster in many countries. Doctors warn that sitting too close

to a computer, especially fixes your eyes at a computer or 【3】______

TV screen from close range, increases the risk of myopia.

The cause of myopia is difficult to explain in simple terms. While some say sitting near computers and TV screens is one of the reasons, others say children born to nearsighted parent/parents are vulnerable. 【4】______

Can genes or the environment, or a combination of two 【5】______

explain the growing prevalence of myopia across many countries? How can parents understand what causes myopia and the risks it poses to their children's eyesight? Children suffering from myopia have trouble seeing

close objects clearly. The eyeball is thought to become 【6】______

longer, because of which less effort is needed to see up

close. Moreover, the elongated eye can no longer focus on 【7】______

distant objects.

Symptoms of myopia are rarely noticed in early 【8】______

childhood. Myopic children must hold books very close to 【9】______

their face or may not be able to read the writing on the

blackboard in school. They may squint and complain of 【10】______

head and eyestrain.




It seems that beauty and women are twins. Observe for yourself. Ads on fashion flood TV sc
reen, radio programs, magazines and the streets. Whether they have realized or not, women are besieged (包围) by a sea of fashion. They are taught to think that without beautiful clothes they will grow old and lose their charm. So who dares to neglect dressing up at the cost of their appearance and youth?

But I do not agree with the opinion that women have to show their beauty through their looks. The richness of their mind proves to be more beautiful and attractive than their looks. A woman who has experienced many troubles and may be called "aunt" or "granny" can still maintain her beauty if she has such excellent qualities as knowledge, ability, a kind heart and concern for others.

In addition, old and young, beautiful and ugly are relative concepts. People who keep a young mind will never feel old. Curious about new things and eager to learn more, they keep up with the tide. Plainly dressed women may have a type of beauty, which is pure and real.

Reading and learning is the best way to keep one youthful. Good books are fertile soil which can feed the flower of one's heart and looks.

Why does the author say that beauty and women are twins?

A.Women are born to be beauties.

B.Women like to show off their beauties

C.Women are proud of their beauty

D.Women try to maintain their beauty by dressing up



A good marriage means growing as a couple but also growing as individuals. This isn't easy
, marriage has always been difficult. Why then are we seeing so many divorces at this time? Yes, our modem social fabric is thin, and yes the permissiveness of society has created unrealistic expectations and thrown the family into disorder. But divorce is so common because people today are unwilling to exercise the self-discipline that marriage requires. They expect easy joy, like the entertainment on TV, the thrill of a good party.

Marriage takes some kind of sacrifice, not dreadful self-sacrifice of the soul, but some level of compromise. Some of one' s fantasies, some of one' s legitimate desires have to be given up for the value of the marriage itself. "While all marital partners feel shackled(受束缚) at times, it is they who really choose to make the marital ties into confining chains or supporting bonds", says Dr. Whitaker. Marriage requires sexual, financial and emotional discipline. A man and a woman cannot follow every impulse, cannot allow himself or herself to stop growing or changing.

A divorce is not an evil act. Sometimes it provides salvation(拯救)for people who have grown hopelessly apart or were frozen in patterns of pain or mutual unhappiness. Divorce can be like the first cut of the surgeon' s knife, a step toward new health and a good life. On the other hand, if the partners can stay past the breaking up of the romantic myths into the development of real love and intimacy, they have achieved a work as amazing as the greatest cathedrals(教堂)of the world. Marriages that do not fail but improve, that persist despite imperfections, are not only rare these days but offer a wondrous shelter in which the face of our mutual humanity can safely show itself.

According to the author, an ideal marriage life______.

A.requires considerable sacrifice on both partners

B.requires that the couple be emotionally involved

C.allows for the growth of the husband and wife as a couple and as two individuals

D.is only an illusion in today's society



Space TourismMake your reservations now. The space tourism industry is officially open for

Space Tourism

Make your reservations now. The space tourism industry is officially open for business, and tickets are going for a mere $20 million for a one-week stay in space. Despite reluctance from National Air and Space Administration (NASA), Russia made American businessman Dennis Tiro the world's first space tourist. Tito flew into space aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket that arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) on April 30, 2001. The second space tourist, South African businessman Mark Shuttleworth, took off aboard the Russian Soyuz on April 25,2002, also bound for the ISS.

Lance Bass of N Sync was supposed to be the third to make the $20 million trip, but he did not join the three-man crew as they blasted off on October 30, 2002, due to lack of payment. Probably the most incredible aspect of this proposed space tour was that NASA approved of it.

These trips are the beginning of what could be a profitable 21st century industry. There are already several space tourism companies planning to build suborbital vehicles and orbital cities within the next two decades. These companies have invested millions, believing that the space tourism industry is on the verge of taking off.

In 1997, NASA published a report concluding that selling trips into space to private citizens could be worth billions of dollars. A Japanese report supports these findings, and projects that space tourism could be a $10 billion per year industry within the next two decades. The only obstacles to opening up space to tourists are the space agencies, who are concerned with safety and the development of a reliable, reusable launch vehicle.

Space Accommodations

Russia's Mir space station was supposed to be the first destination for space tourists. But in March 2001, the Russian Aerospace Agency brought Mir down into the Pacific Ocean. As it turned out, bringing down Mir only temporarily delayed the first tourist trip into space.

The Mir crash did cancel plans for a new reality-based game show from NBC, which was going to be called Destination Mir. The Survivor-like TV show was scheduled to air in fall 2001. Participants on the show were to go through training at Russia's cosmonaut (宇航员) training center, Star City. Each week, one of the participants would be eliminated from the show, with the winner receiving a trip to the Mir space station. The Mir crash has ruled out NBC's space plans for now. NASA is against beginning space tourism until the International Space Station is completed in 2006.

Russia is not alone in its interest in space tourism. There are several projects underway to commercialize space travel. Here are a few of the groups that might take tourists to space:

Space Island Group is going to build a ring-shaped, rotating "commercial space infrastructure (基础结构)" that will resemble the Discovery spacecraft in the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey." Space Island says it will build its space city out of empty NASA space-shuttle fuel tanks (to start, it should take around 12 or so), and place it about 400 miles above Earth. The space city will rotate once per minute to create a gravitational pull one-third as strong as Earth's.

According to their vision statement, Space Adventures plans to "fly tens of thousands of people in space over the next 10-15 years and beyond, around the moon, and back, from spaceports both on Earth and in space, to and from private space stations, and aboard dozens of different vehicles..."

Even Hilton Hotels has shown interest in the space tourism industry and the possibility of building or co-funding a space hotel. However, the company did say that it believes such a space hotel is 15 to 20 years away.

Initially, space tourism will offer simple accommodations at best. For instance, if the International Space Station is used as a tourist attraction, guest






(阅读理解题)How often do you talk with people and notice that their words say one th
(阅读理解题)How often do you talk with people and notice that their words say one th

ing while

their action says another? A facial expression, crossed arms or the way they behave can show what

is really in their mind. This is body language, and we must teach our children to understand and

use it.

We often teach children to be thoughtful when they speak and write, and we also need to teach

them to be thoughtful in their body language. Giving examples is one of the ways to do that. Help

children understand that people use body language most of the time in their life. Where they're

looking when they speak, how they turn their bodies, how they place their arms and so on can give

others important information.

There will be times that people want and need to use their body language. In school or job

situations, understanding body language can make a difference. And using body language in other

situations is also helpful to personal safety and sometimes stops misunderstandings(误会).

(1). (单选题) The first paragraph tells us that ________.

A、it's important to teach children body language

B、children often use body language

C、a facial expression is good for children

D、 crossed arms are not good for children

(2). (单选题) What does the underlined word "thoughtful" mean? ()

A、Talking quietly.

B、 Looking directly.

C、Speaking loudly.

D、 Thinking deeply.

(3). (单选题) Which of the following is NOT the advantage (好处) of using body language? ()

A、Making a difference in school.

B、Being helpful to personal safety.

C、Getting something you want.

D、 Stopping misunderstandings.

(4). (单选题) Which of the following is NOT true?()

A、Both a facial expression and crossed arms are body language.

B、Giving examples is the only way to teach children body language.

C、Body language can give people important information.

D、People sometimes want to use their body language.

(5).(单选题) Where can we read the passage? ()

A、In a cartoon.

B、In a magazine.

C、In a travel book.

D、 In a storybook.



Apple and Microsoft each launched new products. One company astonished everyone. The other made people sleepy. Can you guess which was which? You probably guessed wrong. Because Apple, famous for its

While Microsoft, which stole a move out of the Apple playbook, won cheers from high-end, creative-class consumers like business analysts, media designers and music producers. Microsoft launched several new products, but the big one was the Surface Studio--a 28-inch, extremely-high-resolution(分辨率) touchscreen tablet that doubles as a desktop PC screen. There’s also the Surface Dial, which can be placed on the Studio’s screen and revolved(旋转) to select menu items.

As Hayley Tsukayama remarked at The Washington Post, the Studio is really just a super-sized version of the Surface Books product that Microsoft has been selling for years. But if you’ve ever watched science fiction movies like Minority Report--where Tom Cruise seems to operate pictures and data hanging in mid-air by touching them, spreading their fingers to increase on details, and seeding files and information sliding from one folder(文件夹) to another with a click of the fingers, you can see how Microsoft is trying to show the same experience.

Meanwhile, Apple’s new products were almost like some fine promotions for its Apple TV. They boast(自夸) that the new MacBook Pros has a smaller size and more functions, and a new touchscreen bar on laptop keyboards where function keys used to be.

So what’s going on? In many ways, Apple is focusing on attracting the average consumers who have been attracted by Microsoft. And Microsoft is focusing on targeting the high-end professionals Apple has historically been associated with. You can even see this in the companies’ ad campaigns: Microsoft’s ads stress imagination and creativity, while Apple’s commercial chief designer Jony Ive, in calm and professional British accent, explained Apple has improved the performance and convenience of its MacBooks.

So Apple is trying to control the world of devices and laptops from the top down, starting with the high-end market and moving on to appeal to a broader base of consumers. Microsoft, having already strengthened itself within the bigger low-end market, is now attempting the opposite with a bottom-up strategy. Will these succeed? Time will tell…

What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Microsoft’s new products made a big hit

B.Apple’s products aim at high-end consumers

C.Apple and Microsoft developed the same products

D.The design of Microsoft’s products is original and unique

Why does the author mention the science fiction movie in Paragraph 3?A.To tell us Microsoft’s new products can be used in movies

B.To show how trendy Microsoft’s new products are

C.To show Microsoft’s new products are inspired by the movie

D.To advocate more people to see the science fiction movie

What is Paragraph 4 mainly about? A.The features of Apple’s new products

B.The bright future of Apple’s new products

C.The reason why Apple designed the new products

D.The difference between Apple’s new products and Apple TV

What can we learn about the two companies in promotion?A.They push forward high tech development

B.They lead the development of IT industry

C.They adopt different business strategies

D.They astonish the world from time to time



Amtrak(美国铁路客运公司) was experiencing a downswing in ridership(客运量) along the lines

Amtrak(美国铁路客运公司) was experiencing a downswing in ridership(客运量) along the lines comprising its rail system. Of major concern to Amtrak and its advertising agency DDB Needham, were the long-distance western routes where ridership had been declining significantly.

At one time, trains were the only practical way to cross the vast areas of the west. Trains were fast, very luxurious, and quite convenient compared to other forms of transportation existing at the time. However, times change and the automobile became America's standard of convenience. Also, air travel had easily established itself as the fastest method of traveling great distances. Therefore, the task for DDB Needham was to encourage consumers to consider other aspects of train travel in order to change their attitudes and increase the likelihood that trains would be considered for travel in the west.

Two portions of the total market were targeted: 1) anxious fliers—those concerned with safety, relaxation, and cleanliness; 2) travel-lovers—those viewing themselves as relaxed, casual, and interested in the travel experience as part of their vacation. The agency then developed a campaign that focused on travel experiences such as freedom, escape, relaxation, and enjoyment of the great western outdoors. It stressed experiences gained by using the trains and portrayed western train trips as wonderful adventures.

Advertisements showed pictures of the beautiful scenery that could be enjoyed along some of the more famous western routes and emphasized the romantic names of some of these trains (Empire Builder, etc.).These ads were strategically placed among family-oriented TV shows and programs involving nature and America in order to most effectively reach target audiences. Results were impressive. The Empire Builder, which was focused on in one ad, enjoyed a 15 percent increase in profits on its Chicago to Seattle route.

What's the author's purpose in writing this passage?

A.To show the inability of trains to compete with planes with respect to speed and convenience.

B.To stress the influence of the automobile on America's standard of convenience.

C.To emphasize the function of travel agencies in market promotion.

D.To illustrate the important role of persuasive communication in changing consumer attitudes.

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