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Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the student.【21】____

Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the student. 【21】______ a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the 【22】______ in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination. The 【23】______ student is considered to be 【24】______ who is motivated to learn for the sake of 【25】______ , not the one interested only in getting high grades. Sometimes homework is returned 【26】______ brief written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is 【27】______ for learning the material assigned. When research is 【28】______ , the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with 【29】______ guidance. It is the 【30】______ responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain 【31】______ a university library works; they expect students, 【32】______ graduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference 【33】______ in the library. Professors will help students who need it, but 【34】______ that their students not be 【35】______ dependent on them. In the Unit ed States, professors have many other duties 【36】______ teaching, such as administrative or research work. 【37】______ the time that a professor can spend with a student outside class is 【38】______ . If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either 【39】______ a professor during office hours 【40】______ make an appointment.






更多“Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the student.【21】____”相关的问题


He disliked many of his teachers, and Miss Smith he liked ____.







Women couldn’t become teachers easily at that time because__________ .A.most wonen wanted

Women couldn’t become teachers easily at that time because__________ .

A.most wonen wanted to be nurses rather than teachers

B.most high schools and colleges accepted men only

C.there were too many women entering the profession

D.they were mostly hired as typists in the business world



Digital NativesDavid is not very comfortable with new technology and he does not have ma

Digital Natives

David is not very comfortable with new technology and he does not have many gadgets. Lucy loves new technology. She owns a games console, an MP3 player, and a mobile phone with a built-in digital camera. David is a teacher. Lucy is his student.

Like Lucy, many children grow up using computers almost every day and often know more about technology than adults. Educator Marc Prensky calls children like Lucy “digital natives”. Digital natives can quickly learn how to use new gadgets and new software, while non-digital natives spend a lot of time reading manuals and worrying about computer viruses. In fact, many parents try to save time by asking their children to teach them how to use new technology!

The divide between digital natives and non-digital natives can cause problems at school because students and teachers grow up with very different ideas about technology. Many teachers think that playing computer games is a waste of time and that technology has made children unable to concentrate. However, many students think their classes are slow and boring, and want to use computers to study.

Prensky believes that digital natives have learned a lot from technology, but that they learn things in a different way. For example, reading a website is different from reading a book, so digital natives are good at finding the information they need and choosing what they want to read. So perhaps teachers need to change the way they teach and use more technology in class – because the number of digital natives will keep increasing!

1.David is a digital native.()

2.Marc Prensky is interested in teaching with technology.()

3.Digital natives are comfortable using laptops and flash drives.()

4.Many teachers think computer games are only for having fun or killing time.()

5.People read books and websites in the same way.()



Education begins with teachers. Yet teaching seems to be losing its appeal for many of the
best and brightest college students. In high school, many of the best students decide that they want to be teachers, but their relatives and friends soon convince them to change their minds. One student's mother kept reminding her of the relatively skimpy salaries teachers currently earn until the student changed to another major. Another student took computer science courses because his father thought that teachers were at the bottom of the social ladder. One said that none of her friends looked upon teaching as a worthwhile career, so she came to think of teaching as not noble enough and went into pharmacy instead. According to several recent reports on the shortcomings of American public schooling, teaching's lack of appeal for the brightest college students is one of the teaching profession's most worrisome problems.

Many articles on teaching, currently popular in newspapers, magazines, and professional education journals, concentrate on the negative aspects of teaching. The expression "teacher burnout" is commonly ascribed to thousands of thoughtful and dedicated teachers who are leaving the profession. Teacher burnout is caused by such problems as violence in the classroom, vandalism, inadequate salaries, involuntary transfers, interfering parents, oversized classes, and excessive paperwork. Even the best teachers cannot solve a child's problems, but many of them believe the public expects them to, and they give up teaching in despair.

Despite the more limited financial prospects, the deterioration of the American public's attitude toward teachers, and the problems caused by disruptive students, many of the best students conclude that they want to pursue careers in the classroom after all. The three students mentioned above discovered that they wanted personal fulfillment from their life's work more than they wanted material rewards. Each eventually chose to become a teacher. However, a growing body of evidence shows that such students are exceptions, rather than the rule, in America's more than 1,200 teacher-training programs. Many teacher-training schools are beginning to look at ways to recruit the kind of people who would be inclined toward the positive aspects of teaching. The teaching profession has to become more attractive to good students.

Prospective teachers will see increased emphasis by national teacher organizations, state certification agencies, and local districts on improving the status of the profession, as well as on improving teacher salaries. Continued efforts to eliminate jobs teachers do that are not teacher--such as policing the restrooms, hallways, and cafeterias--are important for upgrading the profession.

While teaching is not a wise career choice for all, teaching is a noble and rewarding profession for those who indeed seek personal fulfillment from their life's work. The first year of teaching is frequently the most frustrating year in a teacher's life. The experience of solving problems that deal with instruction, students, parents, administrators, and fellow teachers is of immeasurable value for future success.

The main idea of the first paragraph is that ______.

A.teachers are indispensable to education

B.teaching is not a worthwhile career

C.teaching is losing its appeal for the best college students

D.teaching profession is looked down on by most parents



Dr. William C. Stokoe, Jr., was the chairman of the English Department at Gallaudet Univer
sity. He saw the way deaf people communicated and was extremely【C1】______. He was a hearing person, and signs of the deaf were totally new to him.

Dr. Stokoe decided to propose a study of sign language. Many other teachers were not interested, and thought Dr. Stokoe was【C2】______to think about studying sign language. Even deaf teachers were not very interested in the project. However, Dr. Stokoe did not give up.【C3】______, he started the Linguistics Research Program in'1957. Stokoe and his two deaf assistants, worked【C4】______this project during the summer and after school. The three【C5】______made films of deaf people signing. The deaf people in the films did not understand【C6】______the research was about and were just trying to be nice to Dr. Stokoe. Many people thought the whole project was silly, but【C7】______agreed with Dr. Stokoe in order to please him.

Stokoe and his【C8】______studied the films of signing. They【C9】______the films and tried to see patterns in the signs. The results of the research were【C10】______: the signs used by all of the signers【C11】______certain linguistic rules.

Dr. Stokoe was the first linguist to test American Sign Language【C12】______a real language. He published the【C13】______ in 1960,but not many people paid attention to the study. Dr. Stokoe was still【C14】______ —he was the only linguist who【C15】______that sign language was more than gestures. He knew it was a language of its own and not just another form. of English.








Of all the goals of the education reform. movement, none is more difficult than developing
an objective method to assess teachers. Studies show that over time, test scores do not provide a【C1】______ means of separating good from bad instructors. Test scores are an【C2】______ indicator of quality because too many factors outside of the teachers control can influence student【C3】______ from year to year—or even from classroom to classroom during the same year. Often, more than half of those teachers【C4】______ as the poorest performers one year will be judged average or above average the next, and the results are【C5】______ as bad for teachers with【C6】______ classes during the same year. 【C7】______, theres a far more direct approach: measuring the amount of【C8】______ a teacher spends delivering relevant instruction—【C9】______, how much teaching a teacher actually gets done in a school day. This is hardly a new【C10】______. Thirty years ago two studies using this approach found that some teachers were able to deliver【C11】______ 14 more weeks a year of relevant instruction than their less efficient【C12】______. There was no【C13】______ to their success: it was obvious that the efficient teachers【C14】______ strictly to the curriculum, maintained stern discipline and【C15】______ non-instructional activities, like【C16】______ unessential classroom business when they【C17】______ focused on the curriculum. And both studies found that the teachers who【C18】______ more were also the teachers who【C19】______ students who performed well on【C20】______ tests.








下列哪句广告借用了英语谚语?()A、Take Toshiba, take the world(日本东芝)B、Seeing is believ

A.Take Toshiba, take the world(日本东芝)

B.Seeing is believing(某电视机广告)

C.No business too small. No problem too big(IBM公司广告)



It has been shown that children who smoke have certain characteristics. Compared with non-
smokers they are more rebellious, their work deteriorates as they move up school, they are more likely to leave school early, and are more often delinquent and sexually precious. Many of these features can be summarized as anticipation of adulthood.

There are a number of factors, which determine the onset of smoking, and these are largely psychological and social. They include availability of cigarettes, curiosity, rebelliousness, appearing thought, anticipation of adulthood, social confidence, the example of parents and teachers, and smoking by friends and older brothers and sisters.

It should be much easier to prevent children from starting to smoke than to persuade adults to give up the habit once established, but in fact this has proved very difficult. The example set by people in authority, especially parents, health care workers, and teachers, is of prime importance. School roles should forbid smoking by children on the premises. This role has been introduced at Summerhill School where I spent my schooldays.

There is, however, a risk of children smoking just to rebel against the rules, and even in those schools which have tried to enforce no smoking by corporal punishment there is as much smoking as in other schools. Nevertheless, banning smoking is probably on balance beneficial. Teachers too should not smoke on school premises, at least not in front of children.

In this passage the author puts an emphasis on ______.

A.the effect of smoking among children

B.the difficulty in preventing children from smoking

C.the reasons why children start smoking among children

D.the measures to ban smoking among children



Recently, more than 2,000 high school teachers have been asked about the effect of the Int
erneton their students. Teachers say the Internet has had a good influence(影响and a not-so-good influence on this generation.

Three quarters of the teachers say the Internet and search tools have had a great effect on theirstudents&39;research habits and skills. But 87 percent agree that this young generation don&39; t knowabout hard work and can&39;t stay attentive(注意力集中的) for long. And 64 percent say the Internetdoes more to distract (使分心)students than to help them in their studies. Many students think "doingresearch"just means doing a quick search on Google.

According to the teachers, one problem is that students trust too much of the information on theInternet. These students have not developed skills to judge the quality of the information. It&39; s some-thing that really has to be taught and paid attention to. It&39; s like everything else. In a world wherethings can happen quickly, you really need to have a way to step back, think and make judgmentabout the information you have. And teachers can do a lot to teach that.

Another problem is that being able to quickly find information keeps the students from workinghard. They become dependent on search tools and do not make enough use of printed books. Manyteachers are also afraid that the Internet makes it easy for students to copy work done by others.

36. What does the text mainly discuss about the Internet?

A.Its success in high school teaching.

B.Its influence on school teachers.

C.Its achievements in school research.

D.Its effect on high school students.

What is the percentage of the teachers who think the students need hard work?A.75%.




What should be taught to students according to Paragraph 3 ?A.Ways to improve their research habits.

B.How to do research on the Internet.

C.Skills to judge the quality of information.

D.How to pay attention to their studies.

What will happen when students depend too much on search tools?A.Their studies will be greatly improved.

B.They won’ t make good use of books.

C.Their attention to things will last longer.

D.They won’ t copy work done by others.



Student participation (参与)in tike classroom is not only accepted but also expected of th

Student participation (参与)in tike classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the student in many courses. Some professors base part of the final grade on the student’ s oral participation. Although there are formal lectures during which the student has a passive role(i. e. , listening and taking notes) , many courses are organized around classroom discussions, student questions, and informal lectures. In graduate discussions the profess or has a “manager”role and the students make presentations and lead discussions. The students do the actual teaching in these discussions.

A professor’ s teaching method is another factor (因素)that determines the degree and type of student participation. Some professors prefer to control discussion while others prefer to guide the class without controlling it. Many professors encourage students to question their ideas. Students who object to the professor’ s point of view should be prepared to prove their positions.

In the teaching of science and mathematics, the controlling mode of instruction is generally traditional, with teachers presenting formal lectures and students taking notes. However,new educational trends have turned up in the humanities and social sciences in the past twenty years. Students in education,society, and history classes, for example, are often required to solve problems in groups, design projects, make presentations, and examine case studies. Since some college or university courses are“practical” rather than theoretical,they pay more attention to “doing” for themselves.

“Participation in the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the student” in many courses except in____.

A.science and mathematics

B.the humanities and social sciences

C.informal lecture courses

D.discussion courses

From the passage we know that education in the humanities and society____.A.has not changed much

B.pay attention to students’ studying instead of teachers’ teaching

C.is much more important than that of science and mathematics

D.has become more practical than theoretical

The reason why some professors ask students to make presentations and lead discussions is that____.

A.these professors are often not well prepared before class

B.these professors want to stress “doing”

C.these professors want to test the students’ abilities

D.these professors are not willing to teach theory

Which of the following sentences is true according to the passage?A.Student participation is not common in the classroom in many courses like society.

B.Some professors want to control the classroom discussion.

C.Some professors usually want the students to take part in the teaching of science and mathematics.

D.New educational trends have turned up in teaching of natural sciences such as chemistry.




On a more practical level, teachers need a wide variety of skills and abilities. Theyhave
to be. ready to spend many hours at home planning their lessons. and making homework. They have to be well organized in class, patient with the students able to appear bright and interested even if they are in fact tired or unhappy, and lively enough to controla group of young people for almost 200 days a year. Outside the classroom, they may have to prepare teaching materials,to choose text books,to help organize the work of the otherteachers, or to organize spare time activities for the students.

If you think that you have all the necessary qualities, you may feel that you would like to be a teacher One way lo decide,if you live in the United Stales,is by joining a club for future teachers, such as Student Action For Education. Clubs like this give you advice about your career and also allow you to watch teachers at work, attend meetings and experiment with teaching methods and equipment. You could also talk wiih the career advisors at your school or university. Finally you could try teaching a younger student or becoming an advisor at summer camp for children.Any activity in which you are dealing with children will help you decide whether you have a vocation for teachering.

Which sentence in Paragraph 1 is topic sentence?

A.The 1st sentence

B.The 2nd sentence

C.The last sentence

D.There is no topic sentence in the paragraph

According to tKe author/ a teacher should show a firm mindA.that suffers only from tiredness

B.that suffers only from unhappiness

C.that suffers only from unusual tiredness or unhappiness

D.that does not suffer from tiredness nor from unhappiness

The last paragraph is mainly concerned with___.A.the ways of deciding one’s career

B.the ways to decide whether teaching could be one’s career

C.joining a club for future teachers

D.talking to dn advisor when choosing a career

Which of the following does the author recommend to a person who wants to be a teacher?A.Watching teachers at work/ or organizing students/ spare time activities

B.Joining a future teacKers/ club, tdlking witK career advisors/ or working with children

C.Preparing and correcting homework/experimenting with teaching methods ditd equipment

D.Planning lessons/ or attending teachers/ meetings


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