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Human' s Hands Archaeological records--paintings, drawings, and drawings of humans engaged

Human' s Hands

Archaeological records--paintings, drawings, and drawings of humans engaged in activities involving the use of hands--indicate that humans have been predominantly right - handed for more than 5,000 years. In ancient Egyptian artwork, for example, the fight-hand is depicted us the dominant one in about 90 per- cent of the examples. Fracture or wear patterns on tools also indicate that a majority of ancient people were fight - handed.

Cro - Magnon cave paintings some 27,000 years old commonly show outlines of human hands made by placing one hand against the cave wall and applying paint with the other. Children today make similar. out- lines of their hands with crayons on paper. With few exceptions, left hands of Cro-Manganese are displayed on cave wails, indicating that the paintings were usually done by right-handers.

Anthropological evidence pushes the record of' handedness nearly human ancestors back to at least 1.4 million years ago. One important line of evidence comes from flaking patterns of stone cores used in toolmaking: implements flaked with a clockwise motion (indicating a right -handed toolmaker) can be distinguished from those flaked with a counter- clockwise rotation (indicating a left- handed toolmaker).

Even scratches found on fossil human teeth offer clues. Ancient humans are thought to have cut meat into strips by holding it between their teeth and slicing it with stone knives, as do the present - day Inuit. Occasionally the knives slip and leave scratches on the users' teeth. Scratches made with a left - to - right stroke direction (by right- handers) are more common than scratches in the opposite direction (made by lefthanders).

Still other evidence comes from cranial morphology: scientists think that physical differences between the right and left sides of the interior of the skull indicate subtle physical differences between the two sides of the brain. The variation between the hemispheres corresponds to which Side of the body is used to perform. specific activities. Such studies, as well as studies of tool use, indicate that right - or left - sided dominance is not exclusive to modern Homo sapiens. Populations of Neanderthals, such as Homo erects and Homo habilis, seem to have been predominantly right -handed, as we are.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Human ancestors became predominantly right- handed when they began to use tools.

B.It is difficult to interpret the significance of anthropological evidence concerning tool use.

C.Human and their ancestors have been predominantly right - handed for over a million years.

D.Human ancestors were more skilled at using both hands than modern humans.

更多“Human' s Hands Archaeological records--paintings, drawings, and drawings of humans engaged”相关的问题


This country, as Lincoln said, belongs to the people. So do the natural resources which ma
ke it rich. They supply the basis of our prosperity now and hereafter. In preserving them, which is a national duty, we must not forget that monopoly is based on the control of natural resources and natural advantages, and that it will help the people little to conserve our natural wealth unless the benefits which it can yield are given back to the people. Let us remember, also, that conservation does not stop with the natural resources. The principle of making the best use of all we have requires that we stop the waste of human life in industry and prevent the waste of human welfare which flows from the unfair use of concentrated power and wealth in the hands of men whose eagerness for profit blinds them to the cost of what they do. We have no higher duty than to promote the efficiency of the individual. There is no surer road to the efficiency of the nation.What plays an essential role in making the nation prosperous according to this passage?A.Its money. B.Its trade.C.Its natural resources. D.Its people.




A.Raise your hands

B.Open your book

C.It's all right



The People's Education Press joined hands with the Longman Group Ltd. in late 80s and earl
y 90s and compiled a textbook series for Chinese ______ teaching.

A. college

B. secondary

C. elementary

D. graduate



------It shouldn't take long to sweep up after sports meeting if we have more volunteers.------That's right() .

A.The sooner began, the sooner finish

B.Something is better than nothing

C.Many hands make light work



The comparison made between the memory capacity of a large computer and that of a human be
ing shows that______.

A.the computer' s memory has a little bigger capacity than a teenager' s

B.the computer' s memory capacity is much smaller that an adult human being' s

C.the computer' s memory capacity is much smaller even than a teenager' s

D.both A and B




Human‘s brains are larger in proportion to their bodies than _______. A. whales B. a whale C. that of whales D. those of whales



In human history, people's views on body weight ______.A.changed from time to timeB.led to

In human history, people's views on body weight ______.

A.changed from time to time

B.led to different moral standards

C.varied between the poor and the rich

D.were closely related to their religious beliefs



The whole passage implies that ________A.only human beings have problem-solving intelligen

The whole passage implies that ________

A.only human beings have problem-solving intelligence

B.a person' s memory is different from a computer' s in every respect

C.animals are able to solve only very simple problems

D.animals solve problems by instincts rather than intelligence



Which of the following best represents Mr.Westhusin’s attitude toward cloning?[A] A

Which of the following best represents Mr.Westhusin’s attitude toward cloning?

[A] Animal cloning is a stupid attempt.

[B] Human cloning is not yet close to getting it worked out.

[C] Cloning is too inefficient and should be stopped.

[D] Animals cloning yes, and human cloning at least not now.



What does the author want to show with the example of AlphaGo's victory?

A.Computers will prevail over human beings.

B.Computers have unmatched potential.

C.Computers are man's potential rivals.

D.Computers can become highly intelligent.

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