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Girls are often ______ of snakes ()A.afraidB.fearC.surprisedD.against

Girls are often ______ of snakes ()





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阅读理解 Passage 1   Manners evolved differently i...

阅读理解 Passage 1   Manners evolved differently in different cultures. In earlier times there was a tendency for manners to become increasingly formal, and this was often viewed as progress. In the 18th and 19th centuries having good manners was seen as an important part of one’s education and social class, and it was necessary to be taken as a lady or a gentleman to get ahead in the world.   In the 20th and 21st centuries, manners have gradually become more relaxed and informal. The hosting of dinners and other social gatherings are no longer the exclusive privilege of the wealthy elite (精英), and private clubs are being gradually replaced by more open meeting places. So the manners of the salon (沙龙) are gradually combining with the manners of the pub. Clothing is a good indication of the changes in manners, as can be seen in the following examples.   It is surprising that the wearing of hats indoors by males is once again becoming acceptable. Students in North America often wear baseball caps to class. In many countries the wearing of hats indoors by males was once acceptable even in very polite society, but over the years this became considered as a lower-class behavior. and was thus discouraged in both the middle and upper classes. The young people who wear hats indoors do not realize they are actually restarting a very old cultural tradition.   A comparable development for females is the wearing of jeans. Many females now wear jeans on a daily basis, either at home or at work. Some see this as a symbolic declaration that they are now modern women, not girls or ladies. Some girls, like boys, wear baseball caps both indoors and outdoors.   Sneakers and shorts are now acceptable for either males or females in a variety of non-athletic situations. Some companies have rules requiring informal dress such as jeans or sneakers on Fridays (called “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday”), and others permit it almost all the time. In these companies, and many others, it is acceptable to call the bosses by their first names. 1 What does the passage mainly talk about?

A、Changes of manners over time.

B、Formal manners in the earlier times.

C、Different manners in different cultures.

D、Development of manners in different classes.



Text 4 Despite the general negative findings, it is important to remember that all childr
en who live through a divorce do not behave in the same way. The specific behavior. depends on the child’s individual personality, characteristics, age at the time of divorce, and gender. In terms of personality, when compared to those rated as relaxed and easygoing, children described as temperamental and irritable have more difficulty coping with parental divorce, as indeed they have more difficulty adapting to life change in general. Stress, such as that found in disrupted families, seems to impair the ability of temperamental children to adapt to their surroundings, the greater the amount of stress, the less well they adapt. In contrast, a moderate amount of stress may actually help an easygoing, relaxed child learn to cope with adversity.

There is some relationship between age and children’s characteristic reaction to divorce. As the child grows older, the greater is the likelihood of a free expression of a variety of complex feelings, an understanding of those feelings, and a realization that the decision to divorce cannot be attributed to any one simple cause. Self-blame virtually disappears after the age of 6, fear of abandonment diminishes after the age of 8, and the confusion and fear of the young child is replaced in the older child by shame, anger, and self-reflection.

Gender of the child is also a factor that predicts the nature of reaction to divorce. The impact of divorce is initially greater on boys than on girls. They are more aggressive, less compliant, have greater difficulties in interpersonal relationships, and exhibit problem behaviors both at home and at school. Furthermore, the adjustment problems of boys are still noticeable even two years after the divorce. Girls’ adjustment problems are usually internalized rather than acted out, and are often resolved by the second year after the divorce. However, new problems may surface for girls as they enter adolescence and adulthood. How can the relatively greater impact of divorce on boys than on girls be explained? The greater male aggression and noncompliance may reflect the fact that such behaviors are tolerated and even encouraged in males in our culture more than they are in females. Furthermore, boys may have a particular need for a strong male model of self-control, as well as for a strong disciplinarian parent. Finally, boys are more likely to be exposed to their parents’ fights than girls are, and after the breakup, boys are less likely than girls to receive sympathy and support from mothers, teachers, or peers.

第36题:Temperamental, irritable kids have difficulty adapting to parental divorce because_____.

[A] they care too much about the life change

[B] the great stress of their families diminishes their ability

[C] they tend to lose temper easily and are sensitive to the life change

[D] they are faced with more parents’ fights than the relaxed, easygoing children



For years, I’ve been fighting against what feels natural to me because I felt pressure
to it. When I used to get dressed to go out I would put on a T-shirt and sneakers and feel great, but when I would walk into a bar and every girl around me was in heels and a mini dress, I often felt like the odd girl out. Anytime I was “dressed down” I would be told that I’d look better if I had makeup on, or was asked, “Is that really what you’re wearing?” So I learned to qualify it. “Oh, I didn’t bring anything nicer with me.” "Sorry I’m not really dressed. I came straight from work." The truth is that I feel comfortable in jeans and I don’t like to change before I go out. There's nothing wrong with that. Then why did I feel like there was? Part of it has to do with clothing options marketed to women and girls. What was available “for just us girls”? Usually it’s pink, frilly, or feminine. But I never felt those things were made for me or appealed to me. I decided to stop letting it get to me. In the past when I would get dressed for a date, I would try on multiple outfits. The first was what I wanted to wear on my date. The second was what my friends would tell me to wear. As I stood in front of the mirror, I would feel the frustration well up. I never want a guy that would want me in heels all the time. So I’d take off the dress that I had on — the one I thought I should wear — and put on what I was actually most comfortable wearing. And you know what? As soon as I did, I realized how great I looked. Girls who look unapologetically themselves are the best type of girls.

(1)What message does the author mainly convey?

A. Girls should wear like girls in a bar or a party.

B. Jeans and sweaters will be the new fashion for girls.

C. Girls in any type of clothes with confidence are the best.

D. Wearing pink and frilly clothes is odd and out of fashion.

(2)How did the author feel when she walked into a bar dressed down?

A. She felt herself quite different from other girls in the bar.

B. She felt at ease when other girls commented on her dress style.

C. She felt proud for not wearing high-heels like other girls.

D. She felt there was always discrimination around in the bar.

(3)What did the author use to do for a date?

A. She used to put on what she liked quickly.

B. She used to buy some girls’ dress to put on.

C. She used to try on multiple outfits.

D. She used to dress what others suggest her dressing.

(4)The followings are what the author qualifies for her casual dressing style. EXCEPT .

A. I didn’t bring anything nicer with me.

B. I came straight from work.

C. Sorry, I’m not really dressed.

D. I prefer jeans and sneakers.

(5)Which of the following adjectives can best describe the author’s attitude towards clothes options marketed for girls?

A. Ironic.

B. Uninterested.

C. Approving.

D. Objective.



When I was studying English at a training center in Washington D.C. in 1998, , I shareda
house with two young Americans, Jim, and Steve. Jim was studying French and Steve Chinese, both at the Foreign Service Institute. We shared many things in common, but we also thought and acted quite differently. Steve was interested in speaking Chinese. He always tried every opportunity to talk with me with his very English-like pronunciation. I was often touched with his diligence. However, I wanted to practice English with him, too. So we often speak at the same time in the other &39;s mother tongue. Jim was fresh from college and the youngest of the three. He was going out all the time. The only time we met was at breakfast. There was a small round table in our kitchen, where we sat around to enjoy our food. Steve had Chinese fast food such as dumplings or noodles, and I ate bread and boiled eggs. But Jim often just drank a cup of tea because he had nothing in his bridge. He was too busy dating pretty French girls to do any shopping. I often offered him some of my food. But Steve told me in his poor Chinese that I didn&39; t need to do that. He said that it was Jim&39; s own fault and that it served him right. Although he was learning Chinese, hestill held his American senseof value.

Two years later, I returned to china. The three of us still keep in touch. Jim now works in a travel agency in Paris. He got married to one of the pretty girls. He wrote to tell us that now he can enjoy a delicious breakfast with his beautiful wife every morning in their comfortable living room. Steve wants to work in china. And V m helping him with this. I have introduced him to the dean of the OverseasSection of our university. He is very interested in Steve. He wants to know if Steve can work here teaching the overseas students Chinese. I have sent the messageto Steve. I&39; m sure he’ d be very happy to accept the job. However, I hope he could try harder to improve himself. Othervise, all the overseas studentswould speakwith his terrible pronunciation!

Which of the following statementsis true according to the passage?

A.The three of them were all language majors.

B.Steve and Jim were more alike in character.

C.The author didn’ t enjoy talking with Steve.

D.Their living condition was rather poor.

What is the author,s opinion of Steve?A.Steve was a very hardworking fellow.

B.Steve enjoyed cooking Chinese food.

C.Steve enjoyed shopping more than Jim.

D.Steve' s Chinese accentwas quite pure.

Which of the following is true about Jim?A.Going out with girls cost him a lot of time.

B.He had a French way of making friends.

C.He learnedFrench in order to dateParis girls.

D.He liked doing housework.

What does the last sentenceof the first paragraphimplies that___?A.Stevedidn't like offering help to others.

B.American people only eat their own food.

C.Americans and Chinesediffer in their senseof value.

D.Stevewanted Jim to do his own shopping.

From the last paragraph, we can learn that_____ .A.Jim is avery good husband.

B.Steveenjoys teaching Chinese.

C.The author works for overseasstudents.

D.The three friends still keep in touch.




Australia is nearly as large as the United States, but most of it is too dry for people to
live in. Around this dry part are large sheep and cow farms. A few of them are as large as the smallest states: of America. Often the nearest neighbours are several hundred kilometers away.

The two-way radio is very important to people who live on these great Australian farms. It works much like a telephone. A person can listen to someone else talk and then gives an answer. For example, people on the large farms could talk to a doctor far away. They could tell the doctor about someone who was ill, and the doctor could let them know how to look after the sick person.

As the large farms were so far from towns, the children could not go to school. Radio schools were started for them in some places. At a certain time each day, boys and girls turn on their radios and listen to teachers in cities far away.

Families on the large farms wanted to give news to their neighbours. The programme Round Robin Talks by radio was started to keep families in touch with each other. They could talk about who was going away and who was iii. The men could talk about their sheep and cows and how much money the markets would pay for them. In many ways the radio became a newspaper for the farm people of Australia.

In the passage "the two-way radio" is______.

A.important to Americans

B.useful for children only

C.used as a telephone

D.only used by doctors



Australia is nearly as large as the United States, but most of it is too dry for people to
live in. Around this dry part are large sheep and cow farms. A few of them are as large as the smallest states in America. Often the nearest neighbours are several hundred kilometers away.

The two-way radio is very important to people who live on these great Australian farms. It works much like a telephone. A person can listen to someone else talk and then give an answer. For example, people on the large farms could talk to a doctor far away. They could tell the doctor about someone who was ill, and the doctor could let them know how to look after the sick person.

As the large farms were so far from towns, the children could not go to school. Radio schools were started for them in some places. At a certain time each day, boys and girls turn on their radios and listen to teachers in cities far away.

Families on the large farms wanted to give news to their neighbours. The programme "Round Robin Talks" by radio was started to keep families in touch with each other. They could talk about who was going away and who was ill. The men could talk about their sheep and cows and how much money the markets would pay for them. In many ways the radio became a newspaper for the farm people of Australia.

In the passage "the two-way radio" is ______.

A.important to Americans

B.useful for children only

C.used as a telephone

D.only used by doctors



Text 4There have been rumors. There’s been gossip. All Hollywood is shocked to learn that
Calista Flockhart, star of Fox’s hit TV show Ally McBeal, is so thin. And we in the media are falling all over ourselves trying to figure out whether Flockhart has an eating disorder, especially now that she has denied it. Well, I’m not playing the game. If the entertainment industry really cared about sending the wrong message on body image, it wouldn’t need so many slender celebrities in the first place.

But the fact remains that 2 million Americans—most of them women and girls—do suffer from eating disorders. In the most extreme cases they literally starve themselves to death. And those who survive are at greater risk of developing brittle bones, life-threatening infections, kidney damage and heart problems. Fortunately, doctors have learned a lot over the past decade about what causes eating disorders and how to treat them.

The numbers are shocking. Approximately 1 in 150 teenage girls in the U. S. falls victim to anorexia nervosa, broadly defined as the refusal to eat enough to maintain even a minimal body weight. Not so clear is how many more suffer from bulimia, in which they binge on food, eating perhaps two or three days’ worth of meals in 30 minutes, then remove the excess by taking medicine to move the bowels or inducing vomiting. Nor does age necessarily protect you. Anorexia has been diagnosed in girls as young as eight. Most deaths from the condition occur in women over 45.

Doctors used to think eating disorders were purely psychological. Now they realize there’s some problematic biology as well. In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry recently, researchers found abnormal levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, in women who had been free of bulimia for at least a year. That may help explain why drugs have allowed a lot of people to stop swallowing in large doses of food. Unfortunately, the pills don’t work as well for denial of food. Nor do they offer a simple one-stop cure. Health-care workers must re-educate their patients in how to eat and think about food.

How can you tell if someone you love has an eating disorder? “Bulimics will often leave evidence around as if they want to get caught.” Says Tamara Pryor, director of an eating-disorders clinic at the University of Kansas in Wichita. Anorexics, by contrast, are more likely to go through long periods of denial.

第36题:We can infer from the first paragraph that _____.

[A] the media has mislead the public’s view of celebrities

[B] there is much misunderstanding about eating disorders

[C] body image concerns are an indication of eating disorders

[D] the entertainment industry is combating eating disorders



Americans are getting ready for the biggest soccer event in the world. For the first t

ime the world cup soccer competition will be held in the United States. While millions play the game around the world, soccer or football has only recently become popular here. It is only in the last 30 years that large numbers of young Americans became interested in soccer. Now it is the fastest growing sport in the country. A recent study found that almost 18 million young boys and girls play soccer in the United States.

The study also found that soccer is beginning to replace more traditional games like American football as the most popular sport among students. And so, when the world cup begins next week, more than one million Americans are expected to go and see the teams play. Organizers say this year’s world cup will be the biggest ever. All the seats at most of the 52 games have already been sold.

Soccer has been played in the United States for a little more than one hundred years. But how did the sport come to this country? And how long has it existed in other parts of the world? No one knows exactly where the idea for soccer came from, or when people began playing the game. Some scientists say there is evidence that ball games using the feet were played thousands of years ago. There is evidence that ancient Greeks and Romans and native American Indians all played games sim­ilar to soccer.

Most experts agree that Britain is the birthplace of modem soccer. They also agree that the British spread the game around the world. Unlike the game today, which uses balls of man-made material or leather, early soccer balls were often made of animal stomachs. The rules of early soccer games also differed from those we have today.

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?()

A.Americans were preparing for the world cup when the author wrote this article

B.More younger Americans became interested in soccer in the last 30 years

C.Soccer is the fastest developing sport in the world

D.The article was written before the world cup held in the United States

2.Which was the most popular sport as a traditional game among students?()


B.American football



3.For how long has soccer been played in the United States?()

A.About a hundred years

B.About fifty years

C.Only recently

D.About thirty years

4.What is the author going to state in the next paragraph?()

A.There have been attempts to start a professional soccer organization in the U.S

B.In the 12th century soccer games in Britain often involved whole towns

C.Professional soccer grew quickly in Europe

D.Experts believed that the United States would win



A group of girls was waiting by the school.(英译中)


In sixth grade,Marsha Pinto's teacher wanted her to talk more loudly and moreoften,repeatedly tlling Pinto that she would never succeed if she did notparticipate in class discussions and group work.The teacher may have had goodintentions,but she called on Pinto daily and when Pinto was bullied,the teachersuggested it was because she did not stand up for herself."She even said if I didn't participate,I would fail," says Pinto,a recent collegegraduate who now lives in New York City: Pinto was quiet,often slumped in herseat and kept her head down.The pressure from the teacher.along with bllying bya group of girls who regularly teased Pinto about being "weirdr,took its tll,I camehome crying a lot.never wanting to go back to school," says Pinto,now 21.Pinto was.and is.an introvert (内向的人).Linda Silveman,director of the GiftedDevelopment Center in Denver,says extroverts get energy primarily from athers,while introverts can become overloaded or drained by the outside world.There is greater understanding of introverts,and their talents,now than there waseven 10 years ago; however,we stl live in a culture that champions outgoingleadership,vocal cllaboration and visible performance.But Pinto's parents were supportive of her natural tendencies.Instead of pushingher to be more extroverted.they appreciated her as she was.*We felt that pushingher into activities and forcing her to speak would make her feel that she was lackingin something,and that could affect her confidence," says Pinto's father,MelwynPinto."We only encouraged and supported her when she wanted to pursue things."That gentle encouragement helped her discover strengths,including publicspeaking.She became the star of the student morning broadcasts in midle schooland tried to participate in class more.Marsha Pinto thrived in classes with teacherswho appreciated her quiet involvement,often because her parents clued them in toher natural tendencies.1.What could be the reason that Pinto did not want to go toschool?A.She faced pressure from her teacher who wantedto make her outgoing.B.She was afraid of filing a dffcult test.C.She got stage fright for a public speaking contest.D.She recenty moved to New York City and knew noone there.2.What did Pinto's parents do when they found out hernatural tendencies?A.They encouraged her to participate in group work.B.They pushed her into activities.C.They supported her to go ater what she wants.D.They forced her to speak in the public.3.Why did some of Pint's teachers appreciate her quietinvolvement in classes?A.Because of her teachers' empathy.B.Because of her own active participation.C.Because of her parents' efforts.D.Because of her classmates' cooperation.4.What do we learm about introverts from the passage?A.Introverts tend to build better relationships.B.Introverts otten feel upset when they are alone.C.Introverts are less likely to avoid risks.D.Introverts get fuel from the outside world.5.What is this passage mainly about?A.How to turn introverts into extroverts.B.How to train introverts to win a speech cometitin.C.How to help introverts to make up for their defects.D.How to encourage introverts to discover their

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