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Which number would you call if your friends were suddenly ill?A.(212)344~0996B.(212)363~76

Which number would you call if your friends were suddenly ill?





更多“Which number would you call if your friends were suddenly ill?A.(212)344~0996B.(212)363~76”相关的问题


A company predicted that the learning rate for production of a new product would be 80%. T
he actual learning rate was 75%. The following possible reasons were stated for this:

(i) The number of new employees recruited was lower than expected

(ii) Unexpected problems were encountered with production

(iii) Unexpected changes to Health and Safety laws meant that the company had to increase the number of breaks during production for employees

Which of the above reasons could have caused the difference between the expected rate of learning and the actual rate of learning?

A.All of the above

B.(ii) and (iii) only

C.(i) only

D.None of the above



听力原文:The private motor vehicle has given us a freedom our ancestors could not dream ab

听力原文: The private motor vehicle has given us a freedom our ancestors could not dream about. We can travel swiftly, and usually safely, over the roads which have been built to accommodate our cars. People can display their wealth by driving a car which may cost as much as another person's home.

(29) Sadly the car has become a disadvantage as well as a boon. The car pollutes the atmosphere, may be involved in serious accidents, and by its very numbers blocks roads. (29) How can we reduce its use? The car is only desirable if we can use it easily, so we might begin by reducing access to parking spaces in the cities and simultaneously increasing the quality and availability of public transport. Cars could be banned from certain parts of the city, thus forcing people to walk or to use public transport. The expense of buying and running a car can be raised. (30) If the motorist is faced with a high purchase price, high road tax, high insurance premiums and substantial fines he or she may reconsider the purchase. A corresponding reduction in the price of public transport would help this financial argument against car ownership.

Neither of these arguments will sway the super rich who can afford the status cars, but it would perhaps encourage them to look at other ways of demon-strafing their wealth. (31) However we do it, reducing the number of cars on the road will reduce the problems of pollution and the congestion which can bring cities to a standstill.

29. What does the speaker focus on?

30.What factor might hinder most people's consideration of purchasing private cars?

31.What would be the result if the number of private cars is reduced?


A.The sadness of being involved in accidents.

B.Ways to limit the use of private cars.

C.The serious pollution on motor roads.

D.Freedom to travel quickly and safely.



The following scenario relates to questions 1–5.Mylo runs a cafeteria situated on the grou

The following scenario relates to questions 1–5.

Mylo runs a cafeteria situated on the ground floor of a large corporate office block. Each of the five floors of the building are occupied and there are in total 1,240 employees.

Mylo sells lunches and snacks in the cafeteria. The lunch menu is freshly prepared each morning and Mylo has to decide how many meals to make each day. As the office block is located in the city centre, there are several other places situated around the building where staff can buy their lunch, so the level of demand for lunches in the cafeteria is uncertain.

Mylo has analysed daily sales over the previous six months and established four possible demand levels and their associated probabilities. He has produced the following payoff table to show the daily profits which could be earned from the lunch sales in the cafeteria:

The following scenario relates to questions 1–5.My

If Mylo adopts a maximin approach to decision-making, which daily supply level will he choose?

A.450 lunches

B.620 lunches

C.775 lunches

D.960 lunches

If Mylo adopts a minimax regret approach to decision-making, which daily supply level will he choose?

A.450 lunches

B.620 lunches

C.775 lunches

D.960 lunches

The human resources department has offered to undertake some research to help Mylo to predict the number of employees who will require lunch in the cafeteria each day. This information will allow Mylo to prepare an accurate number of lunches each day.

What is the maximum amount which Mylo would be willing to pay for this information (to the nearest whole $)?





Which of the following statements is/are true if Mylo chooses to use expected values to assist in his decision-making regarding the number of lunches to be provided?

(1) Mylo would be considered to be taking a defensive and conservative approach to his decision

(2) Expected values will ignore any variability which could occur across the range of possible outcomes

(3) Expected values will not take into account the likelihood of the different outcomes occurring

(4) Expected values can be applied by Mylo as he is evaluating a decision which occurs many times over

A.1, 2 and 3

B.2 and 4

C.1 and 3 only

D.4 only

Mylo is now considering investing in a speciality coffee machine. He has estimated the following daily results for the new machine: Which of the following statements are true regarding the sensitivity of this investment?

The following scenario relates to questions 1–5.My

(1) The investment is more sensitive to a change in sales volume than sales price

(2) If variable costs increase by 44% the investment will make a loss

(3) The investment’s sensitivity to incremental fixed costs is 550%

(4) The margin of safety is 84·6%

A.1, 2 and 3

B.2 and 4

C.1, 3 and 4

D.3 and 4 only




The difference between biological and physical science is not that one is inexact, the oth
er exact, but in degree of exactness, this being related to the number of variables which must be dealt with simultaneously and the extent to which they can be controlled. In general, the biological sciences must deal with larger errors than the physical sciences; but this is not uniformly true, as the student will realize when he considers the accuracy of meteorological prediction or if he comprehends the meaning of the fact that the structural engineer considers it necessary very often to use a safety factor of two or three hundred per cent. The statistical principles of dealing with error of measurement, or in prediction and generalization, are the same whether the errors are large or small. Statistics is not a means of confusing issues that would otherwise be clear, nor a substitute for obtaining clear answers, but a means of checking and controlling conclusions by providing an estimate of the error to which a conclusion is subject.

What do statistics do for science?

A.They get rid of intuition,

B.They make it more logical.

C.They reduce everything to numbers.

D.They give an idea of the amount of error involved.



Job sharing refers to the situation in which two people divide the responsibility of one f
ull-time job. The two people willingly act as part-time workers, enough hours between them to fulfill the duties of a full-time worker. If they each work half the job, for example, they each receive 50 per cent of the job's wages, its holidays and its other benefits. Of course, some job sharers take a smaller or larger share of the responsibilities of the position, receiving a lesser or greater share of the benefits.

Job sharing differs from conventional part-time work in that it occurs mainly in the more highly skilled and professional areas, which require higher levels of responsibility and employee commitment.

Job sharing should not be confused with the term work sharing, which refers to increasing the number of jobs by reducing the number of hours of each existing job, thus offering more positions to the growing number of unemployed people. Job sharing, by contrast, is not designed to address unemployment problems; its focus, rather, is to provide well-paid work for skilled workers and professionals who want more free time for other activities.

As would be expected, women constitute the bulk of job sharers. A survey carried out in 1988 by Britain's Equal Opportunities Commission revealed that 78 per cent of sharers were female, the majority of whom were between 20 and 40 years of age. Subsequent studies have come up with similar results. Many of these women were re-entering the job market after having had children, but they chose not to seek part-time work because it would have meant lower status. Job sharing also offered an acceptable shift back into full-time work after a long absence.

The necessity of close cooperation when sharing a job with another person makes the actual work quite different from conventional one-position jobs. However, to ensure a greater chance that the partnership will succeed, each person needs to know the strengths, weaknesses and preferences of his or her partner before applying for a position. Moreover, there must be a fair division of both routine tasks and interesting ones. In sum, for a position to be job-shared well, the two individuals must be well matched and must treat each other as equals.

"Employee commitment" in Paragraph 2 refers to the employee's______.







Passage 1 Falls are the number one cause of death ...

Passage 1 Falls are the number one cause of death to old people at home. Most old people can live safely at home if they make a few changes. Falls are common as people are getting older. Up to half of home accidents could be prevented by making some very simple changes. Here are a few suggestions. Mark trouble spots with bright tapes. The first and last steps on stairs are usually high-risk accident are- as. Applying bright tapes and using bright light in these areas would make these spots easier to see. Put grab bars(扶手) in the bathroom. A large number of falls occur in the bathroom. This is unfortunate(不幸的) because it's easy to make the area safe from accidents. Putting grab bars in the bathroom gives people something to hang on to. Invest in a personal alarm. A personal alarm can be started if a person falls or otherwise gets in trouble. With the push of a button, the alarm automatically sends a signal, which gets someone to call and see if the person needs help. 题目: 1. By making some very simple changes at home, old people ______.

A、are free from home accidents

B、can improve their health

C、are likely to live longer

D、can live more safely



Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for th
eir fellows.【C1】______ , medical authorities express their【C2】______ about the effect of smoking【C3】______ the health not only【C4】______ those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, non smokers who must【C5】______ inhale the air polluted by tobacco smoke may【C6】______ more than the smokers themselves.

As you are doubtlessly【C7】______ , a considerable number of our students have 【C8】______ in an effort to 【C9】______ the university to ban smoking in the classrooms. I believe they are 【C10】______ tight in their aim.【C11】______ , I would hope that it is【C12】______ to achieve this by【C13】______ the smokers to use good judgment and show concern 【C14】______ others rather than by regulations.

Smoking is【C15】______ by City laws in theaters and in hails used for【C16】______ films as well as in laboratories where【C17】______ be a fire hazard. Elsewhere, it is up to your good sense. I'm【C18】______ asking you to maintain 【C19】______ in the auditoriums, classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the non-smoker's health and well-being【C20】______ , which is very important.








The idea of public works projects as a device to prevent or control depression was designe
d as a means of creating job opportunities for unemployed workers and as a "pump priming" device to aid business to revive. It was conceived during the early years of the New Deal Era (1933—1937). By 1933, the number of unemployed workers had reached about 13 million. This meant that about 50 million people—about one-third of the nation—were without means of support. At first, direct relief in the form. of cash or food was provided these people. This made them recipients of government charity. In order to remove this stigma and restore to the unemployed some measure of respectability and human dignity, a plan was devised to create governmentally sponsored work projects that private industry would not or could not provide. This would also stimulate production and revive business activity.

The best way to explain how this procedure is expected to work is to explain how it actually worked when it was first tried. The first experiment with it was the creation of the Works Project Administration (WPA). This agency set up work projects in various fields in which there were many unemployed. For example, unemployed actors were organized into theater projects, orchestras were organized for unemployed musicians, teaching projects for unemployed teachers, and even writers' projects for unemployed writers. Unemployed laborers were put to work building or maintaining roads, parks, playgrounds, or public buildings. These were all temporary work relief projects—rather than permanent work opportunities.

More substantial work projects of a permanent nature were organized by another agency, the Public Works Administration (PWA). This agency undertook the planning of construction of schools, houses, post offices, dams, and other public structures. It entered into contracts with private construction firms to erect them, or it loaned money to local or state governments which undertook their constructions. This created many jobs in the factories producing the material as well as in the projects themselves, and greatly reduced the number of unemployed.

Still another agency which provided work projects for the unemployed was the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). This agency provided job opportunities for youths aged 16 to 20 to work in national parks or forests clearing land, guarding against fires, building roads, or doing other conservation work. In the event of a future depression, the federate government might revive any or all of the above methods to relieve unemployment and stimulate business.

The PWA differed from the WPA in that

A.the work projects of the former were carded out by the Federal Government______

B.the government subsidized private industry

C.the number of unemployed was reduced

D.the former was government's first attempt to end hardship due to unemployment



Normally a student must attend a certain number of...

Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate,and each course which he attends gives a credit which may matter toward a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester. A typical eourse eonsists of three elasses per week for fifteen weeks;while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester, Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semester seach year. It is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course. though this is not in fact done as a regular practice. For every course followed a student is given a grade. which is recorded, and the record is available for the student to show to prospective employers, All this imposes a constant pressure affair. Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much enthusiasm. The effective word of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academie authorities. Any student who is thought to have broken the tules, for example, by cheating, has to appear before a student court. With the enormous numbers of students, the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activity. A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to a later career.

Normally a student would at least attend_____classes each week.





According to the first paragraph an American student is allowed______.A.to live in a dfferent universiy

B.to take a particular course in a different university

C.to live at home and drive to classes.

D.to get two degrees from two different universities.

The students organizations seem to be effective in_____.A.dealing with the academic affairs of the university

B.ensuring that the students observe university regulations

C.evaluating students’performance by bringing them before a court

D.keeping up the students’enthusiasm for social activities



LTC AUSTRALIA 618 823777 25 Apr. 1999 P. 02Dear Mr. Lin Thank you for your fax, which we received on 21 April. However, I have been away at a conference for a few days and I have only just had the (19) to read it. I apologize for the consequent delay in (20) to you. It appears that you were not completely (21) with the training videos that we sent you. However, there seems to be some confusion, and I would just like to (22) a couple of points. First of all, I would like to (23) what I said in my original letter: if you (24) the videos unusable we will be quite prepared to (25) all your money. However, it was not clear from your fax whether you had (26) all the videos, or just one or two. We have received favorable (27) about the videos from a number of our customers. In particular, the "Safety at Work" and First Aid "videos are extremely" (28) I would be grateful, therefore, if you could (29) that all ten videos are checked. Please (30) out the ones that you find most (31) or your needs, and return the (32) cassettes. I will then be able to (33) the amount payable to you.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely, (Signature )John Peters(Customer Services)





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