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It is acknowledged that the modem musical show is America's most original and dynamic cont

ribution toward theater. In the last quarter of 20th century, America has produced large 【21】______ of musical plays that have been popular abroad 【22】______ at home. 【23】______ , it is very difficult to explain 【24】______ is new or 【25】______ American about them, for the 【26】______ are centuries old.

Perhaps the uniqueness of America's contribution to the 【27】______ can best be characterized through brief descriptions of several of the most important and best-known musicals. One of these is surely Oklahoma by Richard Rogers and Oscar Hamerstein. It burst 【28】______ popularity in 1943. Broadway audience and critics were 【29】______ by its 【30】______ , vitality and excitement. This "new" type of musical was 【31】______ as kind of 【32】______ theater in which the play, the music and lyrics, the dancing, and the scenic background were assembled not merely to provide entertainment and 【33】______ , but to 【34】______ in a single unifying whole to contribute to its unique feature. 【35】______ , it meant that the songs and dances should 【36】______ naturally out of the situations of the story and play an important part in carrying the action 【37】______ . In Oklahoma, an American folk-dance style. was organically combined with classical ballet and modem dance. It is fight to say that the musical was a brilliantly integrated performance by the talented dancers and singing actors.

Oklahoma also marked a new 【38】______ in the choice of story on which a musical is based. Writers and composers began to abandon the sentimentally picturesque or aristocratic setting 【39】______ more realistic stories in authentic social and cultural 【40】______ Oklahoma was based on a "folk" whose story dealt not only with young love but also with the opening of the American West.






更多“It is acknowledged that the modem musical show is America's most original and dynamic cont”相关的问题


He acknowledged that in the majority of businesses the moral standards had been ______ very significantly.







哪种 RLC模式的业务时延最小()A、 Acknowledged Mode (AM)B、 Unacknowledged Mode (UM)C、 Tran

A. Acknowledged Mode (AM)

B. Unacknowledged Mode (UM)

C. Transparent Mode (TM)

D. Low Latency Mode (LM)



Since ancient times, the value of chicken soup______A.has been over-estimatedB.has been wi

Since ancient times, the value of chicken soup______

A.has been over-estimated

B.has been widely acknowledged

C.has been appreciated only by philosophers

D.has been known only to mothers



Passage OneThe phrase almost completes itself: midlife crisis. It&39;s the stage in the mi

Passage One

The phrase almost completes itself: midlife crisis. It&39;s the stage in the middle of the journey when people feel youth vanishing, their prospects narrowing and death approaching.

There’s only one problem with the cliche (套话).It isn&39;t true.

“In fact, there is almost no hard evidence for midlife crisis other than a few small pilot studies conducted decades ago,” Barbara Hagerty writes in her new book, Life Reimagined. The vast bulk of the research shows that there may be a pause, or a shifting of gears in the 40s or 50s, but this shift “can be exciting, rather than terrifying”.

Barbara Hagerty looks at some of the features of people who turn midlife into a rebirth. They break routines, because “autopilot is death”. They choose purpose over happiness一having a clear sense of purpose even reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. They give priority to relationships, as careers often recede(逐渐淡化).

Life Reimagined paints a picture of middle age that is far from gloomy. Midlife seems like the second big phase of decision-making. Your identity has been formed; you’ve built up your resources; and now you have the chance to take the big risks precisely because your foundation is already secure.

Karl Barth described midlife precisely this way. At middle age, he wrote, “the sowing is behind; now is the time to reap. The run has been taken; now is the time to leap. Preparation has been made; now is the time for the venture of the work itself.”

The middle-aged person, Barth continued, can see death in the distance, but moves with a “measured haste” to get big new things done while there is still time.

What Barth wrote decades ago is even truer today. People are healthy and energetic longer. We have presidential candidates running for their first term in office at age 68, 69 and 74.A longer lifespan is changing the narrative structure of life itself What could have been considered the beginning of a descent is now a potential turning point—the turning point you are most equipped to take full advantage of.

What does the author think of the phrase “midlife crisis”?

A.It has led to a lot of debate

B.It is widely acknowledged

C.It is no longer fashionable

D.It misrepresents real life

How does Barbara Hagerty view midlife?

A.It may be the beginning of a crisis

B.It can be a new phase of one&39;s life

C.It can be terrifying for the unprepared

D.It may see old-age diseases approaching

According to Karl Barth, midlife is the time_______.

A.to relax

B.to mature

C.to harvest

D.to reflect

How is midlife pictured in the book Life Reimagined?

A.It can be quite rose

B.It can be burdensome

C.It undergoes radical transformation

D.It makes for the best part of one&39;s life

What does the author say about midlife today?

A.It is more meaningful than other stages of life

B.It is likely to change the narrative of one&39;s life

C.It is more important to those with a longer lifespan

D.It is likely to be a critical turning point in one&39;s life




Shenhua Company Ltd (Shenhua) has been buying products from Kangyi Chemicals Company (Kang

Shenhua Company Ltd (Shenhua) has been buying products from Kangyi Chemicals Company (Kangyi Chemicals) for more than one year. By the end of 2013, the two parties negotiated to settle the previous business transactions and confirmed that Shenhua owed an outstanding amount of RMB 800,000 yuan to Kangyi Chemicals.

Several days later, Shenhua entered into an agreement with its holding company, namely Shenhua Holdings, to transfer all its debts of RMB 800,000 yuan due. In doing so, Shenhua neither notified Kangyi Chemicals, nor got a consent from Kangyi Chemicals.

Having discovered this information, Kangyi Chemicals sent an email to Shenhua Holdings to inquire whether Shenhua’s debts had been transferred to Shenhua Holdings. Shenhua Holdings acknowledged the transfer but did not promise to settle the debts as a new debtor.

Kangyi Chemicals filed a lawsuit against Shenhua Holdings for the unsettled RMB 800,000 yuan. Shenhua Holdings submitted the following defences: First, the transfer agreement between Shenhua and Shenhua Holdings was an invalid one as Shenhua failed to get prior consent, as required by the law, from Kangyi Chemicals before the completion of transfer. Second, the goods delivered by Kangyi Chemicals in the last six months contained material defects which caused loss and damage to Shenhua as the original counterparty.


Answer the following questions in accordance with the Contract Law, and give your reasons for your answers:

(a) state whether the transfer agreement between Shenhua and Shenhua Holdings was a valid one; (6 marks)

(b) state whether Shenhua Holdings was entitled to submit its defence on the ground of the defects in the goods delivered by Kangyi Chemicals to Shenhua. (4 marks)



The close relationship between poetry and music scarcely needs to be argued. Both are aura
l modes which employ rhythm, rime, and pitch as major devices; to these the one adds linguistic meaning, connotation, and various traditional figures, and the other can add, at least in theory, all of these plus harmony, counterpoint, and orchestration techniques. In English the two are closely bound historically. Anglo-Saxon heroic poetry seems certainly to have been read or chanted to a harpists accompaniment; the verb used in Beowulf for such a performance, the Finn episode, is singan, to sing, and the noun gyd, song. A major source of the lyric tradition in English poetry is the songs of the troubadours. The distance between the gyd in Beowulf and the songs of Leonard Cohen or Bob Dylan may seem great, but is one of time rather than aesthetics. The lyric poem as a literary work and the lyrics of a popular song are both still essentially the same thing: poetry. Whether the title of the work be "Gerontion", or "Hound Dog", our criteria for evaluating the work must remain the same. The most important prerequisite for both a significant poem and significant lyrics in a popular song is that the writer be faithful to his own personal vision or to the vision of the poem he is writing. Skill and craft for writing poetry are indeed necessary because these are the only means by which a poet can preserve the integrity of this vision in the poem. A poet must not, either because of lack of skill or because of worship of popularity, wealth, or critical acclaim, go outside of his own or his own poems vision—on pain of writing only the derivative or the trivial. Historically, the writers and singers of the lyrics of popular songs have seemed often to be incapable of personal vision, and to have confused both originality and morality with a servile compliance to popular taste.

According to the writer, the relationship between poetry and music______.

A.is a debatable topic

B.can be made but in a limited way

C.is indisputable if you analyse history

D.needs to be acknowledged more by poets



When MRA was shortlisted for a valuable contract for the development of a coastal defence
system for another country, it was contingent on the payment of a facilitation fee to an official in the defence ministry. Clearly this was an unusual request but it was also made very clear that MRA would not be awarded the contract, worth $2 billion over 10 years, unless the relatively modest sum of $1 million was paid immediately.

Recently, business activity in the defence sector had been very slow, and MRA was about to announce around 500 staff redundancies. Therefore news that this contract was about to be awarded came as a great relief to the board of MRA, as the jobs would now be secured. However, only the chief executive officer (CEO) and operations director knew about the facilitation fee, so an emergency meeting of the board was convened with only one item on the agenda.

Due to the very sensitive nature of the matter at hand, it was decided not to make a formal record of the discussions at the board meeting. This was more likely to result in a frank exchange of views and encourage all directors to express their opinions openly.

The CEO, Charlie Desborough, explained the dilemma to the board, making it very clear that without this contract there would be no way to protect jobs. The finance director, Jake Neilson, said that he was personally very uncomfortable with the idea of paying a facilitation fee, which was in effect a ‘bribe’. As a professional accountant he was bound by a code of ethics which strictly prohibited making such payments, therefore he could not sanction the payment under any circumstances.

The HR director, Sarah Shue, took a far more pragmatic stance. She acknowledged that any form. of corruption was utterly deplorable; however, it was a fact of life in many countries. She asserted that if the board of MRA decided not to make the payment and forego the contract, then it could be assured that a competitor would not adopt such a high-minded position. The net effect was that by avoiding a relatively small payment, the firm would be doing a disservice to both its employees and its shareholders, who would undoubtedly suffer a reduction in their shareholder value. She maintained that sometimes it is necessary to take difficult decisions in business that are for the greater good, and so suggested that the payment to the official should be made.


(a) (i) Compare relativism and absolutism and explain the significance of individual or personal differences in guiding ethical behaviour under each approach in a given scenario such as the situation at MRA. (5 marks)

(ii) Explain the ethical theories of deontology and teleology or consequentialism, and analyse which of the approaches have been adopted by Sarah Shue and Jake Neilson. (6 marks)

The involvement of directors in bribery and corruption can seriously undermine the relationships of trust upon which corporate governance is based.


(b) (i) Assess how bribery and corruption could undermine confidence and trust in MRA, with reference to the principles of corporate governance. (8 marks)

(ii) Describe best practice measures which could be employed by MRA to combat bribery and corruption. (6 marks)












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