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Richard: This is my schoolmate, Betty, and this is my friend, Rose. Rose: How do you do? Betty:()

A. How are you?

B. Everything is fine

C. Fine thank you.

D. Nice to meet you.

更多“Richard: This is my schoolmate, Betty, and this is my friend, Rose. Rose: How do you do? Betty:()”相关的问题


Richard:_________. My name is Richard Stewart. May I take a picture of you? Mrs.

Richard:_________ . My name is Richard Stewart. May I take a picture of you? Mrs. Vann: By all means, I'm Mrs. Vann. Glad to meet you.

A. I'm sorry

B. Excuse me

C. Pardon me

D. Attention, please



Richard: Your English is very good. I appreciate your help.Alexandra: Thanks._____

Richard: Your English is very good. I appreciate your help.

Alexandra: Thanks. _________.

A. It's a piece of cake

B. It's my pleasure

C. It's my duty

D. It's my way



完成下列各选项 A Countless times in my life I've heard
“ I have the worst memory in the world.I meet some—one and,a minute later,forget his name.’’ Well,I have news for you.That is not always so.Sometimes you do not forget the name.You do not even hear it in the first place. Try to recall(回忆)the last time You met a stranger.The introduction probably sounded something 1ike this:“Mr·Jones,say hello to Mr.Fuzafumer.”What you heard was a mumble (嗫嚅)·The thing to do at this point is to say,“I'm sorry,I didn’t catch your name.” Most people think it isn’t polite to ask to hear a name again.I don't know why.If you make the slightest fuss(大惊小怪)over it,he or she will love you. Here ale five simple rules to help you remember names: 1.Be sure to hear the name. 2·Ask how the name is spelled.This forces you to pay attention. 3·Make a remark about the name—any remark.For example,“0h,I just met a person with the same name.”0r,“What is that name a derivative(派生词)of?”Whatever. 4·Use the name where it is possible during the talk. 5·Use the name again when you say good.bye. Remember this:anything that is meaningful is already half-remembered.Names like Flag,Hunter,Rivers,Armstrong already have meaning.But how will you picture.names like Bartosevitch ? Think of“bought a savage”.If you meet someone named Bill,picture a dollar bill.For Richard,picture someone being rich. The writer thinks that people________ .

A.don’t always forget other's names

B.don’t hear others’names

C.never forget others’names

D.have the worst memory



Sometimes teens need to have some time away from their families. They may want' to move ou
t of the family home for a while.

Many parents will say no to this demand. But experts say it might be a good idea to let your teens live with a friend or relative.

"It was the break I needed at the time," said Richard Lerner. He is talking about the time he spent living with his grandmother when he was 15.

"It allowed me to be a different person than I was with my parents." Lerner said. He now heads the Institute for Children, Youth and Families at Michigan State University.

Experts say teens living away from their families can test new ways of thinking and getting along with people. They may see new solutions (解答) to problems.

This is different from running away, the experts stress. Runaways are often fleeing serious problems.

Some teens who want some time away from family attend a structured summer program. Others live for a while with a relative or with the family of a friend.

If there is conflict (冲突) at home, having a teen live elsewhere can benefit other family members. It gives everyone space to develop better relationships.

Joseph Kett teaches history at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. He says living at home until the late teen years has become the norm (准则) only in recent times.

"In the 17th century, children were often sent to live in other people's homes when they were about 10 or 11," he said.

Peter Sheras teaches education at the University of Virginia. He said parents should listen when a child wants to move out. They should try to find out why the child wants some time away.

Often, parents can help the child find a safe place to stay during that time. In other cases, they can meet the child's needs at home.

According to this passage, many parents think it ______ for their children to live away from them.







Richard is American, john is British-they have different A.nationsB.countriesC.landsD

Richard is American, john is British-they have different







Richard: Oh, I've got to go._________.Robbie: It was a pleasure meeting you, too.

Richard: Oh, I've got to go._________ .

Robbie: It was a pleasure meeting you, too. Bye-bye.

A. It was nice of you to meet me

B. It was nice to have met you

C. It was nice meeting you here

D. It was nice for you to meet me



Sir Richard Rogers clearly knows that it is his duty to_________ .A.make his buildings his

Sir Richard Rogers clearly knows that it is his duty to_________ .

A.make his buildings historic ones.

B.create something out of a unique style

C.house those people who will often change their jobs

D.construct a building that can meet the changes of the modeI"n age



What Richard Besser said in the second paragraph reminds people that_____.A.the government

What Richard Besser said in the second paragraph reminds people that_____.

A.the government has responsibility to fight against infectious diseases

B.patients have responsibility to prevent the spread of infectious diseases

C.everybody has responsibility to control the outbreak of infectious diseases

D.doctors and experts have responsibility to fight agent infectious diseases



Though there was no organized group of poets who imitated(),the influence of his poetic style was widely felt on George Herbert,Richard Crashow,Henry Vaughan,and A.Cowley who were later labeled as the metaphysical poets.

A.William Shakespeare

B.Geoffrey Chaucer

C.John Donne

D.Francis Bacon



The sentence“His work points the way to new developments in building.”(Pa.ra.2) implies th
at the designer Sir Richard Rogers__________ .

A.has developed a new set of building standards

B.is a pioneer architect of his age

C.strictly follows the tradition in his work

D.is the father of modem architecture



Today, the Tower of London is one of the most popular tourist【C1】______ and attracts over
three million visitors a year. It was occasionally used as a royal palace for the Kings and Queens of England【C2】______ the time of James I, who【C3】______ from 1603 to 1625, but is best known as a prison and execution place. Within the walls of the tower, princes have been murdered, traitors【C4】______ spies shot, and queens of England beheaded. One of the most famous【C5】______ was that of Anne Boleyn in 1536. She was the second wife of Henry Ⅷ. He wanted to【C6】______ her because she could not give him a son, so he【C7】______ her of adultery. She was tried and found guilty. She asked to be beheaded with a sword,【C8】______ the usual axe, which can still be seen in the tower.

The tower was also the 【C9】______ of one of London's most famous mysteries. King Edward Ⅳ died in 1483. His elder son, Edward, became king【C10】______ his father's death. Young Edward lived in the Tower, and the Duke of Gloucester, his protector,【C11】______ Edward's brother, Richard, to come and live there so that they could play together.【C12】______ then the Duke【C13】______ that he was the new king, and he was crowned 【C14】______ the twelve-year-old Edward,【C15】______ himself Richard Ⅲ.

After that, the boys were seen less and less and【C16】______ disappeared. It is said that they were suffocated in bed by pillows being【C17】______ their mouths. It is believed that Richard Ⅲ ordered their deaths, although it has never been【C18】______ In 1674, workmen at the tower discovered two skeletons, which were taken away and buried in Westminster Abbey in 1678. The【C19】______ were examined in 1933 and were declared to be those of two children,【C20】______ the age of the Princes.






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