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Exercise is one of the few factors with a positive role in longterm maintenance of body we

ight. Unfortunately, that message has not gotten through to the average American, who would rather try switching to "light" beer and lowcalorie bread than increase physical exertion. The Centers for Disease Control, for example, found that fewer than onefourth of overweight adults who were trying to shed pounds said they were combining exercise with their diet.

In rejecting exercise, some people may be discouraged too much by calorieexpenditure charts, for example, one would have to briskly walk three miles just to work off the 275 calories in one delicious Danish pastry. Even exercise professionals concede half a point here. "Exercise by itself is a very tough way to lose weight." said York Onnen, program director of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.

Still exercise's supporting role in weight reduction is vital. A study at the Boston University Medical Center of overweight police officers and other public employees confirmed that those who dieted without exercise regained almost all their old weight, while those who worked exercise into their daily routine maintained their new weight.

If you have been sedentary (极少活动的) and decide to start walking one mile a day, the added exercise could burn an extra 100 calories daily. In a year's time, assuming no increase in food intake, you could lose ten pounds. By increasing the distance of your walks gradually and making other dietary adjustments, you may lose even more weight.

What is said about the average American in the passage?

A.They tend to exaggerate the healthful effect of "light" beer.

B.They usually ignore the effect of exercise on losing weight.

C.They prefer "light" beer and lowcalorie bread to other drinks and food.

D.They know the factors that play a positive role in keeping down body weight.

更多“Exercise is one of the few factors with a positive role in longterm maintenance of body we”相关的问题


SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文: Woman: Dr. Mirkin, doctors seem to put a lot of emphasis on exercise. Is exercise really so important to the health of an average person?

Man: Yes, it is. Exercise is important not only for the health of your body, but for your mind.

Woman: How does exercise help one's mind?

Man: A person's mood is helped significantly by exercise. There are many physicians who prescribe exercise for those people who don't feel very good about themselves. Exercise is effective as a tranquilizer. Tests have shown that a 15-minute walk can have a more tranquilizing effect than the most-used tranquilizers on the market today. It has been demonstrated that people who exercise suffer less from anxiety and are able to work harder. Lack of physical fitness is often associated with decreased performance at work or in school. One study showed the 83 percent of the freshmen who flunked out the University of Syracuse were in bad physical shape. Conversely, student at Nathaniel Hawthorne Junior High School in Yonkers, N.Y., who were failing were put into a physical fitness program, and their grades picked up. So did their behavior. Exercise also helps you sleep at night.

Woman: What are the chief physical benefits of exercise?

Man: Physically, the most important value of exercise is the way it trains your heart. Students have shown that people who continue to exercise late into adult life live longer and are less likely to die from heart attacks. This is contrary to what people were taught years ago. But it is not how much exercise you get when you are older that's important. A study showed that Harvard football players died younger, on the average, than their nonathletic counterparts.

Woman: For a person who's not an athlete--and never has been--what kind of exercise should one do in adult life?

Man: The best kind of exercise is one that trains your heart. To do that, you must get your pulse up to 120 beats per minute for at least 30 minutes and at least three times a week. Any sport that doesn't do that doesn't really Wain your heart as it should be trained.

Woman: What do you mean by training the heart?

Man: The heart is like any other muscle--the more your exercise it, the larger and stronger it becomes. A large, strong heart doesn't have to beat as often to do its work, so it will take longer to wear out. There are other benefits to the heart from exercise. A heart attack is usually caused by an obstruction of the blood vessels on the outside of the heart that supply oxygen to the heart muscle. When you exercise regularly at 120 beats a minute, you enlarge those blood vessels. There's a type of fat in the blood called low-density cholesterol that many authorities believe is associated with heart attacks. Exercise lowers the amount of low-density cholesterol. Heart attacks may be associated with stress, and studies show that exercise decreases your feeling of stress. It also lowers blood pressure, which is another risk factor in heart attacks.

Woman: Specially, what exercises are best to train the heart?

Man: The sports that are most highly recommended include bicycling, running, jogging, ice skating, roller skating, jumping rope and cross-country skiing. If you can't go outside, bicycling can be done indoors on a stationary bicycle, and you can do your jogging in place or on a treadmill, qbe bad thing about such stationary exercises is that they can be boring. You should enjoy exercise. But the important thing is to bring your heartbeat up to at least 120 beats a minute. It may su

A.an athlete

B.a journalist

C.a sick man

D.a student



Exercise may not be fun, but it isn't that hard. You don't need more than 20 minutes a day, and that's something pretty much everyone can spare. We often neglect our physical health because we're full of bad excuses. If that sounds like you, make this weekend the one where you start getting in shape.

Don't bother with equipment you don't need. With the amount of equipment you'll find in a gym, it's easy to believe you need a lot of stuff to exercise. Sure, that fancy equipment works fine, but people got in shape without it for a long time before it was an option. There's no reason you can't do this, too, so don't assume you need to spend a lot of money. You don't need to spend any, really, unless you plan to run and need a decent pair of shoes.

Put together a plan you can follow. Nobody sticks with an exercise routine they hate. You have to at least be able to tolerate a fair amount of the workout you plan for yourself and find a way to stay motivated to do the rest. If you like the traditional route—that is, exercising for around 30-45 minutes a few days a week—we put together a workout routine that you can follow easily.

Don't start a great routine and then sit all day long. Getting exercise is important, but it doesn't mean much if you're sitting down all day. Fortunately that can be easily-remedied by just getting up once in a while, doing some desk exercises, and/or switching to a standing desk. The important thing is that you're not a lumpy human being for most hours of your life. When you're active for only a very small portion of a given day, exercise isn't going to help you all that much.

1.According to the passage, why couldn’t many people keep themselves in good condition?

A. They are short of money.

B. They are very tired after a day’s work.

C. They always find many different excuses.

D. They are very busy all the time.

2.Which of the following is a better workout plan, according to the passage?

A. The one people have to tolerate all the workout.

B. The one people keep motivated to go on.

C. The one people have to keep exercising for around 30-45 minutes every day.

D. The one people hate to follow.

3.What is advised to do to help you stay healthy according to the passage?

A. Keep standing up and sitting down while working.

B. Switch desks while working.

C. Get up occasionally while working.

D. Be active while working.

4.Which of the following statements is true according to passage?

A. You need to set aside a very small portion of a day for exercise.

B. You need to spend a lot of money doing exercise.

C. you need some stuff to exercise.

D. You need to make a plan you can follow.

5.What can not be implied from the passage?

A. There are people who always find reasons to do what seems impossible.

B. People should await his chance instead of creating it.

C. Numerous people always find excuses to give up something possible.

D. People should stop making excuses and starting out before it is too late.



Moods, say the experts, are feelings that are likely to become fixed, having effects on on
e’ s outlook (way of looking at things )for hours,days or even weeks. That’ s great if your mood is a pleasant one,but a problem if you are sad,anxious,angry or simply lonely.

Perhaps the best way to deal with such moods is to talk them out ;sometimes, though, there is no one to listen. Modem pharmacology (药物学)offers a lot tranquilizers (镇定剂)and anti-anxiety drugs. What many people don’ t realize, however, is that scientists have discovered the effectiveness of several non-drug methods to make you free from an unwanted mood. These can be just as useful as drugs,and have the added benefit of being nonpoisonous. So next time you feel out of sorts,don’ t head for the drug store—try the following method.

Of all the mood-changing self-help techniques, aerobic exercise seems to be the best cure for a bad mood. “If you could keep the exercise,you’d be in high spirits,’’says Kathryn Lance,author of Running for Health and Beauty.

Researchers have explained biochemical and various other changes that make exercise compare favorably to drugs as mood-raiser. Physical work such as housework,however,does little. The key is aerobic exercise—running, cycling, walking, swimming, or other repetitive and sustained activities that increase the heart rate and circulation(循环),and improve the body’s use of oxygen. Do them for at least 20 minutes a time,three to five times a week. What is the main subject of the passage?

A.How to beat a bad mood

B.How to talk bad moods out.

C.How to do physical exercises.

D.How to do aerobic exercise

It can be inferred from the passage that_____.A.when one is in a bad mood,he or she may not work very well

B.the best way to overcome a bad mood is to talk to oneself

C.some drugs are more effective than physical exercises

D.taking drugs is at the risk of being poisonous

“Feel out of sorts”,as it is used in the second paragraph,could best be replaced byA.put things in order

B.are in a bad mood

C.search for tranquilizers

D.want a mood-raiser

Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?A.An exercise and its importance are explained

B.A problem is examined and solutions are given

C.Two different views of a problem are presented

D.Recent developments in medicine are described




One way that scientists learn about man is by studying animals, such as mice and monke
ys.科学家了解人类的一种方法是研究如老鼠、猴子这样的动物。The scientists in this laboratory are

experimenting on mice. They are studying the relationship between diet and health. At this time, over one hundred experiments are being done in this laboratory.

In one of these experiments, the scientists are studying the relationship between the amount of food the mice eat and their health. The mice are in three groups. All three groups are receiving the same healthy diet. But the amount of food that each group is receiving is different. The first group is eating one cup of food each day, the second group is eating two cups, and the third group of mice is eating three cups.

After three years, the healthiest group is the one that is only eating one cup of food each day. The mice in this group are thinner than normal mice. But they are more active. Most of the day, they are running, playing with one another, and using the equipment in their cages. Also, they are living longer. Mice usually live for two years. Most of the mice in this group are still alive after three years.

The second group of mice is normal weight. They are healthy, too. They are active, but not as active as the thinner mice. But they are only living about two years, not the three years or more of the thinner mice.

The last group of mice is receiving more food than the other two groups. Most of the day, these mice are eating or sleeping. They are not very active. These mice are living longer than the scientists thought - about a year and a half. But they aren't as healthy. They're sick more often than the other two groups.

(1)、The scientists in the laboratory are studying the relationship between the amount of food and diet.



(2)、The first two groups are receiving the most food.



(3)、The first group is the thinnest because they do not have a healthy diet.



(4)、Normal mice usually live for two years.



(5)、The text tells us that people who eat less and exercise more will live longer.





In learning a foreign language, one should first pay attention to speaking.It is the
ground-work(基础)of reading and writing. You'd better try your best to speak. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. While you are doing this, a good exercise is to write --- keep a diary, write notes or letters and so on. Many mistakes in your speaking will be easily found when you write.Through correcting the mistakes.

If you are slow in speaking,When you not important to the sentence. You can do that some other time.

6.Speaking is the ground-work while you are learning a foreign language.



7.The best way to learn through mistakes is to try your best to speak.



8.When you write, you will learn how to speak.



9.When you read, you should choose interesting books for you.



10.When you find some new words in reading, you should guess their meanings first.





I told my friend Graham that I often cycle the two miles from my house to the town centre
but un fortunately there is a big hill on the route. He replied, "You mean fortunately." He explained that I should be glad of the【C1】______ exercise that the hill provided.

My attitude to the hill has now changed. I used to【C2】______ as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will【C3】______ my heart and lungs and help me to lose weight and get【C4】______ . It will mean that I live longer. Finally as I wend my way up the incline I【C5】______ myself with the thought of all those silly people who pay money to go to a gym and sit on【C6】______ exercise bicycles when I can get the same【C7】______ for free. I have a smug smile of satisfaction【C8】______ I reach the top of the hill.

Problems are there to be faced and【C9】______ . We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to gain a University degree. Her activism and writing proved inspirational. She wrote, "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.【C10】______ through experiences of trial and【C11】______ can the soul be strengthened,【C12】______ cleared, ambition inspired and success【C13】______ "

One of the main determinants of success in life is our attitude towards【C14】______ . From time to time we all face hardships, problems, accidents,【C15】______ and difficulties. Some are of our making but many confront us【C16】______ no fault of our own. Whilst we cannot choose the adversity we can choose our attitude towards it.

Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs amputated following a flying accident. He was 【C17】______ to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aces in the Battle of Britain. He was a(n) 【C18】______ to others during the war. He said, "Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't do this or that.【C19】______ up your mind, you'll never use crutches or a stick, then have a go at everything. Go anywhere you want to. But never, never let them 【C20】______ you that things are too difficult or impossible."








Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor contributing to one's health?A.The rig
ht food you eat.B.Lots of exercise you get.C.Your living conditions.D.The amount of stress you are under.



Running: Sport or Way of Life? You go through the channels several times and find that onc
e again there's nothing on TV that interests you. Not a problem! Just put on some running shoes and comfortable clothes and go for a run. One of the best things about the sport of running is that you don't need expensive equipment. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and a safe environment. But don't be fooled into thinking the sport of running is easy. It requires discipline and concentration. Running is good for you both physically and mentally. It strengthens your heart, lungs, and muscles. It makes you more aware of your body. Running also improves your body so that you don't get sick as easily. It can even help you to stay more focused in school because exercise helps you to think more clearly. How do you get engaged in the sport if you don't know much about it? Most schools offer running programs. A simple Internet search can help you find some in your area. The programs show you how running can offer competition or just be for fun. They also teach runners to set practical goals and take care of their bodies. Runners have great respect for each other because they know how difficult the sport can be. If you go to a race, you'll see people cheering for all the runners. Running isn't always about how fast you are running or how far you're going. It's about getting out there and doing it. Participation is more important than competition, and effort is recognized over talent. If you're looking for more than just a sport, running may be the perfect choice for you. You may find it interesting to go for a run.A.True


C.Not Given

The sport of running is easy.A.True


C.Not Given

It is hard to find a safe environment for running.A.True


C.Not Given

Running is good to people's body and mind.A.True


C.Not Given

You should go for a run every day.A.True


C.Not Given

Runners respect one another as they love the sport.A.True


C.Not Given

Running means more than a sport.A.True


C.Not Given

A long-distance run is good in many ways.A.True


C.Not Given

Running programs set goals for you.A.True


C.Not Given

You can find running programs online.A.True


C.Not Given




The mason ______ I didn't do this exercise is I didn't know how to do it.A.why...becauseB.

The mason ______ I didn't do this exercise is I didn't know how to do it.







I have a()lifestyle.I don't smoke and I exercise regularly.




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