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“What do you expect me to do?” “The house needs___.”

A、to be paint

B、to painting



更多““What do you expect me to do?” “The house needs___.””相关的问题


If you expect more services, or if you're making a really difficult request,what should you do?()

A.Give tips very generously

B.Give less tips

C.Give tips as usual

D.Give no tips



Thank you, sir. _______ can we expect you?

A.What time

B.At what time









?Look at the article below about getting along with the boss and following questions.?For

?Look at the article below about getting along with the boss and following questions.

?For each question (13 - 18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

Getting Along with the Boss

You know that a positive relationship with your work superiors is essential to your success. But how do you ensure you stay on their right side? Your boss holds 2 our future prospects in his or her hands. Expect very few favors from a boss who does not like you, Bad relationship with the boss also means missed advancement opportunities: it is one of the major reasons for high staff turnover. If you resign because of the boss. you may also expect a dent in your professional reputation, Imagine having to provide such an "ex" boss as the contact referral person at your next interview !

The relationship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determining your rise up the ladder. Your boss isn't only your supervisor. He or she is also the person best equipped (or should be I to help you do the job you are paid to do. He/she is privy to the company's goals and knows what the company is looking for in future executives. He/she can inform. you of company direction that may affect your future aspirations, He/she can put in a good word for you in the right eats. He/she is also your ally when you need back up, support or cooperation from other departments.

But how does this help you establish a meaningful working relationship with your boss? The key is communication. Know your boss' priorities and try to anticipate his/her needs before he/she asks. Don't think narrowly in terms of your own immediate position. Try to understand where what you do ties in with the bigger picture.

What other things can you discover about your boss? Is he/she conservative or informal? Does he/she prefer to be greeted as Mr. Ms. Miss or Mrs. or prefer first names? Is his/hers an "open door" policy or does he/she prefers you setting appointments with them? Respect your boss' time. Never barge into their office expecting or demanding an hearing immediately. Does he/she prefer to be kept informed with progress reports, or prefer you show initiative and get on with the job?

Don't be a "yes man" and don't offer false flattery in the hope of' getting somewhere. It won't work! And don't aim for "closeness" in the working relationship because this can also backfire. If your boss depends upon you too much. he/she won't recommend you for promotions because you are needed too much where you are. Another possibility is that if he/ she is not a good manager, he/she may be given their marching orders. If you are seen to be a part of his/her management mishaps, you may be marching out the door with him/her! Do what you can to stay in his/her good books. Don't take "sickies" unless you are sick! Be an effective, cooperative, responsible and courteous employee and team player.

It is possible that you are already these things, and you are working for somebody whose management style. disagrees with your needs or expectations. Maybe friction cannot be avoided. Then, you may be better off looking for a new job in a new department or company. In short, getting along with your boss entails getting to know his/her likes and dislikes and learning to work with his/her personality and management style. And the upside about mastering communication and people skills with your own boss is that one day, those skills will pay off in your own management role with your own team.

The writer says that a bad relationship with your boss may result in all of the following except

A.less favors from your boss.

B.the loss of your job.

C.a dent in your reputation.

D.the loss of your opportunities for promotion.



Neal:I expect you could do with a cup of tea,couldn’t you?Sally:__________have a cup of co
ffee,if you don’t mind.

A.1 want to

B.I"d rather

C.I like to

D.I love to



One silly question I simply can't stand is "How do you feel?". Usually the
One silly question I simply can't stand is "How do you feel?". Usually the question is asked of a man in action --- a man on the go, walking along the street, or busily working at his desk. So what do you expect him to say? He'll probably say, "Fine, I'm all right," but "you've put a bug in his ear" -- maybe now he's not sure. If you are a good friend, you may have seen something in his face, or his walk, that he overlooked that morning. It starts him worrying a little. First thing you know, he looks in a mirror to see if everything is all right, while you go merrily on your way asking someone else, "How do you feel?"

Every question has its time and place. It's perfectly acceptable, for instance, to ask "How do you feel?" if you're visiting a close friend in the hospital, But if the fellow is walking on both legs, hurrying to make a train, or sitting at his desk working, it's no time to ask him that silly question.When George Bernard Shaw, the famous writer of plays was in his eighties, someone asked him "How do you feel?" Shaw put him in his place. "When you reach my age," he said, "either you feel all right or you're dead."

1.According to the writer, greetings, such as "How do you feel?" ____.

A、show one's consideration for others

B、are a good way to make friends

C、are proper to ask a man in action

D、generally make one feel uneasy

2.The question "How do you feel?" seems to be correct and suitable when asked of ____.

A、a man working at his desk

B、a person having lost a close friend

C、a stranger who looks somewhat worried

D、a friend who is ill

3.The writer seems to feel that a busy man should ____.

A、be praised for his efforts

B、never be asked any question

C、not be bothered

D、be discouraged from working so hard

4.George Bernard Shaw's reply in the passage shows his ____.





5.“You've put a bug in his ear ”means that you've ____.

A、made him laugh

B、shown concern for him

C、made fun of him

D、given him some kind of warning



Part B [A]YoumayhavetoimpressthecompanyHRrepresentativesaswell. HRrepsaretypicallytraine

Part B

[A] You may have to impress the company HR representatives as well.

HR reps are typically trained to ask very specific and personal questions,

like what salary you expect and what you’ve made in the past.

They might ask you about your impressions of the company and the people who

interviewed you. They might also ask if you have other offers. If so,

chances are good that they are willing to compete for you.

But if you say that you have other offers,

be prepared to back it up with the who, what and when,

because they might challenge you.

The HR reps are also the people who will conduct or arrange reference and background checks.

They might have the final say.

[B] Besides management, you might also interview with one or more of your future coworkers.

Regardless of the questions they ask, what they most really want to know is how well you’

ll fit into the team, if you’ll cause them more work instead of less,

and if they should feel threatened by you. When answering,

be eager enough to show that you are a good team player and will pull your load,

but not so eager as to appear to be a back- stabbing ladder climber!

[C] Always research a company before you interview, and remember that attire,

body language and manners count, big time. Try to avoid common mistakes.

You may think that this is common sense, but crazy stuff really happens!

[D] Job interviewing is one of the most popular career topics on the Web.

But no career advisor can tell you exactly what to say during a job interview.

Interviews are just too upclose and personal for that.

About the best that career advisors can do,

is to give you some tips about the typical questions to expect,

so you can practice answering them ahead of time. But,

while there are many canned interview questions, there are few canned answers.

The rest is up to you.

[E] Be prepared to attend a second interview at the same company,

and maybe even a third or fourth. If you’re called back for more interviews,

it means that they’re interested in you. But, it doesn’t mean you’re a shoo- in. Most likely, they are narrowing the competition, so keep up the good work!

[F] To put you somewhat at ease, many interviewers really don’t know how to interview effectively.

Frontline interviewers are typically managers and supervisors

who have never been or are barely trained in interviewing techniques.

They’re a little nervous too, just like you. Some don’t even prepare in advance.

This makes it easier for you to take control of the interview,

if you have prepared. But in controlling an interview, it’s not a good idea to try to dominate.

Instead, try to steer it toward landing the job.

[G] After interviewing, immediately send a thank you letter to each of your interviewers.

It’s professional and expected, and might even be the deciding factor in your favor.

[H] Remember, it’s a two- way street. It’s the employer’s chance to judge you,

but it’s also very much your chance to judge the employer. In fact,

if you handle yourself well and ask the right questions,

you’ll put the interviewer in the position of selling the company to you.

If this happens, you’re probably doing well.


41.()→42. () →43. () →A→44. () →45. () →46. () →G



We will agree to do what you require ______ him.A.ofB.fromC.toD.for

We will agree to do what you require ______ him.







It is what you do rather than what you say ______matters. A. what B. when C. that D

It is what you do rather than what you say ______matters.

A. what

B. when

C. that

D. how



—What do you think of the furniture on exhibition?—Well, great! But I don't think much of
______ you bought.

A.the one






What leadership modes/heiresses do you see in this case? List and describe.

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