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What is the 'biggest city in the world? That is,【21】city has the largest population? This

seems like【22】question to answer, but actually it isn't.

It's actually rather difficult to say which cities【23】the largest. There are two reasons for this difficulty. First of all, it isn't easy to determine a city's boundaries, that is, where a city ends. Nowadays, nearly all cities have a large【24】area around them. So when we talk about the population of a city, we often mean the population of the whole metropolitan area around the city. That means that it's difficult to determine what the population of a city is because it's difficult to define what a city is.

The second reason that it is difficult to【25】the population of different cities is this: it is almost impossible to get【26】about the population of all cities for the same year. For example, we might get an estimate of New York's population in 1979 and an【27】of Mexico City's population in 1981. So we real ly can't compare the numbers because the information is for【28】different years. And the population of cities changes rather quickly, especially in some cases. For example, the population of Jakarta, Indonesia, may increase by 5% each year, so the population figure will change rather quickly.

So we can say that these are our two【29】for comparing the populations of cities: one, it's difficult to determine the【30】of a city, and two, it is difficult to get accurate information.






更多“What is the 'biggest city in the world? That is,【21】city has the largest population? This”相关的问题


What is the 'biggest city in the world? That is, (21) city has the largest population? Thi

What is the 'biggest city in the world? That is, (21) city has the largest population? This seems like (22) question to answer, but actually it isn't.

It's actually rather difficult to say which cities (23) the largest. There are two reasons for this difficulty. First of all, it isn't easy to determine a city's boundaries, that is, where a city ends. Nowadays, nearly all cities have a large (24) area around them. So when we talk about the population of a city, we often mean the population of the whole metropolitan area around the city. That means that it's difficult to determine what the population of a city is because it's difficult to define what a city is.

The second reason that it is difficult to 25 the population of different cities is this: it is almost impossible to get (26) about the population of all cities for the same year. For example, we might get an estimate of New York's population in 1979 and an (27) of Mexico City's population in 1981. So we real ly can't compare the numbers because the information is for (28) different years. And the population of cities changes rather quickly, especially in some cases. For example, the population of Jakarta, Indonesia, may increase by 5% each year, so the population figure will change rather quickly.

So we can say that these are our two (29) for comparing the populations of cities: one, it's difficult to determine the (30) of a city, and two, it is difficult to get accurate information.

21. A. what

B. which

C. where

D. how



根据以下内容回答题:A volcanic eruption in Iceland has sent ash across northern Europe.Airl


A volcanic eruption in Iceland has sent ash across northern Europe.Airlines have stopped or changed the flights across the Atlantic Ocean,leaving hundreds of passengers stuck in air-ports.

Grimsvoto is oDe of the largest and most active volcanoes in Europe.What makes Grimsvoto different is that it lies under a huge glacier(冰川)of ice up to 12 meters thick.The hot volcano heats up the ice above it,which then forms a layer of water between the glacier and the volcano.This layer of water puts pressure on the volcano,keeping it stable.As the water flows out from under the glacier,the pressure lifts.The lava(岩浆)from the volcano then comes up to the surface.This is exactly what happened today.

Now.airlines have to make changes to their flights SO as not to fly through the clouds of volcanic as.h.According to.KLM,one of Europe’s biggest airlines,airplanes cannot go under the cloud or over it.Going through the cloud can result in ash getting stuck in the airplane’s engines,causing damage to the plane.

The eruption has also caused problems for animals in Iceland.The volcano left ash and sharp,glass-like rocks all over the countryside.Farmers are keeping their animals inside to stop them from eating ash—covered grass or the sharp objects.

What makes Grimsvoto different from other volcanoes? 查看材料

A.It is below-ice.

B.It lies under the sea.

C.It is the largest volcano.

D.Its lava affects the airlines.



For more than six million American children, coming home after school means coming home to
an empty house. They spend part of each day alone. They are called "latchkey children". They're children who look after themselves while their parents work. And their bad conditions have become a social problem.

Lyne Brown was once the headmaster of an elementary school. She said, "A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys attached.! was constantly telling them to put them inside shirts. There were so many keys, it never came to my mind what they meant. ",slowly, she learned they were house keys.

Lyne learned of the impact working couples and single parents were having on their children. She found that Fear is the biggest problem faced by children at home alone. Many had nightmares and were worried about their own safety.

The most common way latchkey children deal with their fears is by hiding. It might be in a shower stall, under a bed, in a closet. The second is TV. They'll often play it at high volume. It's hard to get statistics (情况,材料) on latchkey children. Most parents are slow to admit they leave their children alone.

The main idea about "latchkey children" is that they______.

A.are growing in numbers

B.are also found in middle-class neighborhoods

C.watch too much television during the day

D.suffer problems from being left alone



Passage Four:Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.For any given task in B
ritain there are more men than are needed. Strong unions keep them there in Fleet Street, home of some London’s biggest dailies, it is understood that when two unions quarrel over three jobs, the argument is settled by giving each union two. That means 33 per cent overmanning, 33 per cent less productivity than could be obtained.

A reporter who has visited plants throughout Europe has an impression that the pace of work is much slower here. Nobody tries too hard. Tea breaks do matter and are frequent. It is hard to measure intensity of work, but Britons give a distinct impression of going at their tasks in a more leisurely way.

But is all this so terrible? It certainly does not improve the gross national product or output per worker. Those observant visitors, however, have noticed something else about Britain. It is a pleasant place.

Street crowds in Stockholm. Paris and New York move quickly and silently heads down, all in a hurry. London crowds tend to walk at an easy pace (except in the profitable, efficient City, the financial district).

Every stranger is struck by the patient and orderly way in which Britons queue for a bus: if the saleswoman is slow and out of stock she will likely say, ‘oh dear, what a pity’; the rubbish collectors stop to chat (聊天) and call the housewives “Luv.” Crime rises here as in every city but there still remains a gentle tone and temper that is unmatched in Berlin, Milan or Detroit.

In short, what is wrong with Britain may also be what is right. Having reached a tolerable standard, Britons appear to be choosing leisure over goods.

第36题:What happens when disputes over job opportunities arise among British unions?

A) Thirty three per cent of the workers will be out of work.

B) More people will be employed than necessary.

C) More jobs will be created by the government.

D) The unions will try to increase productivity.



Once a month,just after sunset, trucks fill an outdoor parking lot in Los Angeles, California.Some trucks sell all kinds of food. Others have clothing for sale. These are known as fashion (时尚)trucks.

It&39;s really fun to go through everything in the truck. The back of the truck is a small store.Clothing hangs on one side. Jewelry(首饰) and purses are on the other. The store looks colorful andis well organized. There is also a very small room for trying on clothes.

Jordana Fortaleza is one of the truck owners. She says the cost of owning a truck is much lowerthan paying for a store. And there is another reason to use a truck. You can take your business toyour customers. But there are also difficulties.

The biggest problem is the weather. In winter, it&39; s cold outside and there&39; s no one around. Anotherproblem is keeping the truck in good condition. When it breaks down, the repairs can take days. Businessstops during the time. It happens at least once a year because her truck is 38 years old.

Meagan Rogers is a fashion school graduate. She says the job market is so hard now, but with afashion truck she&39; s able to start earning money while her classmates are still working without pay.

44.Which of the following is an advantage of a fashion truck?

A.It attracts more customers.

B.It costs less than a store.

C.It needs repairs once a year.

D.It has a small room in it.

What would be the best title for the text?A.Tips for Repairing Your Truck

B.How to Start a Clothes Store

C.The Story of a Fashion School

D.Fashion Trucks in Los Angeles

What do we know about Meagan Rogers?A.She has started making money.

B.She hasn' t finished her school.

C.She is happy to help her classmates.

D.She has problems with her truck.



In old days, when a glimpse of stocking was looked upon as something so shocking as to dis
tract the serious work of an office, secretaries were men.

Then came the First World War and the male secretaries were replaced by women. A man's secretary became his personal servant, in charge of remembering his wife's birthday and buying her presents; taking his suits to the dry-cleaners; telling lies on the telephone to keep away people he did not wish to speak to; and, of course, typing and filing and taking shorthand.

Now all this may be changing again. The microchip(芯片) and high technology is sweeping the British office, taking with it much of the routine clerical(文书的) work that secretaries did.

"Once office technology takes over generally, the status of the job will rise again because it will involve the high-tech work and then men will want to do it again. "

That was said by one of the executives(male) of one of the biggest secretarial agencies in this country. What he has predicted is already under way in the U. S.

Once high technology has made the job of secretary less routine (乏味的) , will there be a male takeover? Men should be careful of thinking that they can walk right into the better jobs. There are a lot of women secretaries who will do the job as well as men—not just because they can buy negligees(妇女长睡衣) for the boss's wife, but because they are as efficient and well trained to cope with word processors and computers as men.

Before 1914 female secretaries were rare because they______.

A.were less efficient and less trained than men

B.were looked down upon by men

C.would have disturbed the other office workers

D.wore stockings and were not as serious as men



I was 14 when Mr. Ingram knocked on our farmhouse door in Sacred Hear, Okla. The old farme
r lived about a mile down the road and needed help cutting grass. It was the first time I was actually paid for work -- about 12 cents an hour, not bad when you consider it was 1939 ,a time when there was little business activity.

Mr. Ingram liked the job I did and ended up hiring me to dig potatoes. I even helped when a baby cow was being born.

One day he found an old truck that was stuck in the soft, sandy soil of the melon (瓜) field. It was full of melons that someone had tried to steal before their truck got stuck.

Mr. Ingram explained that the truck's owner would be returning soon, and he wanted me to watch and learn. It wasn't long before a man from a nearby village, who had a terrible reputation (名声) for fighting and stealing, showed up with his two full-grown sons. They looked very angry.

Calmly Mr. Ingram said, "Well, I see you want to buy some watermelons."

There was a long silence before the man answered," Yeah, I guess so. What are you getting for them?"

"Twenty-five cents each."

"Well, I guess that would be fair enough if you help me get my truck out of here."

It turned out to be our biggest sale of the summer, and an unpleasant, perhaps unfortunate, incident had been prevented. After they left, Mr. Ingram smiled and said to me," Son, if you don't for give (原谅) your enemies, you're going to run out of friends. "

Mr. Ingram died a few years later, but I have never forgotten him or what he taught me on my first job.

Which of the following best explains "ended up" as is used in the passage?



C.got into

D.went on









The biggest site that we are () now is nextdoor.com.


The building, (which) roof can (be seen) here, is (the) biggest supermarket (in) town.A.wh

The building, (which) roof can (be seen) here, is (the) biggest supermarket (in) town.


B.be seen





It is____ biggest store at our town.





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