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The author's major conclusion about mistakes in foreign language learning is that

A. mistakes are not important in the process of learning a language

B. learners are often very afraid of making mistakes

C. making mistakes can help the learner discover the roles

D. native speakers often do not tell foreign language learners about their mistakes

更多“The author's major conclusion about mistakes in foreign language learning is that”相关的问题


The author's major conclusion about the function of mistakes in foreign language learning
is that ______.

A.mistakes are not important in the process of learning a language

B.learners are often very afraid of making mistakes

C.making mistakes can help the learner discover the rules of the language

D.native speakers often do not tell foreign language learners about their mistakes



仔细阅读:What can be done about mass unemployment? All the wise heads agree: there’re no quick or

Passage two 2016年6月英语六级卷一试题

What can be done about mass unemployment? All the wise heads agree: there’re no quick or easy answers. There’s work to be done, but workers aren’t ready to do it—they’re in the wrong places, or they have the wrong skills, Our problems are “structural, ”and will take many years to solve.

But don’t bother asking for evidence that justifies this bleak view. There isn’t any. On the contrary, all the facts suggest that high unemployment in America is the result of inadequate demand. saying that there’re no easy answers sounds wise. But it’s actually foolish: our unemployment crisis could be cured very quickly if we had the intellectual clarity and political will to act. In other words, structural unemployment is a fake problem, which mainly serves as an excuse for not pursing real solutions.

The fact is job openings have plunged in every major sector, while the number of workers forced into part-time employment in almost all industries has soared. Unemployment has surged in every major occupational category. Only three states. With a combined population not much larger than that of Brooklyn, have unemployment rates below 5%. So the evidence contradicts the claim that we’re mainly suffering from structural unemployment. Why, then, has this claim become so popular?

Part of the answer is that this is what always happens during periods of high unemployment—in part because experts and analysts believe that declaring the problem deeply rooted, with no easy answers, makes them sound serious.

I’ve been looking at what self-proclaimed experts were saying about unemployment during the Great Depression; it was almost identical to what Very Serious People are saying now. Unemployment cannot be brought down rapidly, declared one 1935 analysis, because the workforce is“unadaptable and untrained. It cannot respond to the opportunities which industry may offer. ”A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy’s needs—and suddenly industry was eager to employ those“unadaptable and untrained”workers.

But now, as then, powerful forces are ideologically opposed to the whole idea of government action on a sufficient scale to jump-start the economy. And that, fundamentally, is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying: they offer a reason to do nothing about the mass unemployment that is crippling out economy and our society.

So what you need to know is that there’s no evidence whatsoever to back these claims. We aren’t suffering from a shortage of needed skills, We’re suffering from a lack of policy resolve. As I said, structural unemployment isn’t a real problem, it’s an excuse—a reason not to act on America’s problems at a time when action is desperately needed.

51. What does the author think is the root cause of mass unemployment in America?

A)Corporate mismanagement.

B)Insufficient demand.

C)Technological advances.

D)Workers’ slow adaptation.

52. What does the author think of the experts’ claim concerning unemployment?





53. What does the author say helped bring down unemployment during the Great Depression?

A)The booming defense industry.

B)The wise heads’ benefit package.

C)Nationwide training of workers.

D)Thorough restructuring of industries.

54. What has caused claims of huge structural problems to multiply?

A)Powerful opposition to government’s stimulus efforts.

B)Very Serious People’s attempt to cripple the economy.

C)Evidence gathered from many sectors of the industries.

D)Economists’ failure to detect the problems in time.

55. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A)To testify to the experts’ analysis of America’s problems.

B)To offer a feasible solution to the structural unemployment.

C)To show the urgent need for the government to take action.

D)To alert American workers to the urgency for adaptation.



阅读理解:Some of the world's most sign significant problems hit headlines. One example comes from agriculture

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

Some of the world's most sign significant problems hit headlines. One example comes from agriculture. Food riots and hunger make news. But the trend lying behind these matters is rarely talked about. This is the decline in the growth in yields of some of the world's major crops. A new study by the University of Minnesota and McGill University in Montreal looks at where, and how far, this decline is occurring.

The authors take a vast number of data points for the four most important crops: rice, wheat, corn and soyabeans(大豆). They find that on between 24% and 39% of all harvested areas, the improvement in yields that took place before the 1980s slowed down in the 1990s and 2000s.

There are two worrying features of the slowdown. One is that it has been particularly sharp in the world's most populous(人口多的)countries, India and China. Their ability to feed themselves has been an important source of relative stability both within the countries and on world food markets. That self-sufficiency cannot be taken for granted if yields continue to slow down or reverse.

Second,yield growth has been lower in wheat and rice than in corn and soyabeans. This is problematic because wheat and rice are more important as foods, accounting for around half of all calories consumed. Corn and soyabeans are more important as feed grains. The authors note that "we have preferentially focused our crop improvement efforts on feeding animals and cars rather than on crops that feed people and are the basis of food security in much of the world."

The report qualifies the more optimistic findings of another new paper which suggests that the world will not have to dig up a lot more land for farming in order to feed 9 billion people in 2050, as the Food and Agriculture Organisation has argued.

Instead, it says, thanks to slowing population growth, land currently ploughed up for crops might be able to revert(回返)to forest or wilderness. This could happen. The trouble is that the forecast assumes continued improvements in yields, which may not actually happen.

1.What does the author try to draw attention to?

A.Food riots and hunger in the world.

B.The decline of the grain yield growth.

C.News headlines in the leading media.

D.The food supply in populous countries.

2.Why does the author mention India and China in particular?

A.Their self-sufficiency is vital to the stability of world food markets.

B.Their food yields have begun to decrease sharply in recent years.

C.Their big populations are causing worldwide concerns.

D.Their food self-sufficiency has been taken for granted.

3.What does the new study by the two universities say about recent crop improvement efforts?

A.They fail to produce the same remarkable results as before the 1980s.

B.They contribute a lot to the improvement of human food production.

C.They play a major role in guaranteeing the food security of the world.

D.they focus more on the increase of animal feed than human food grains.

4.What does the Food and Agriculture Organisation say about world food production in the coming decades?

A.The growing population will greatly increase the pressure on world food supplies.

B.The optimistic prediction about food production should be viewed with caution.

C.The slowdown of the growth in yields of major food crops will be reversed.

D.The world will be able to feed its population without increasing farmland.

5.How does the author view the argument of the Food and Agriculture Organisation?

A.It is built on the findings of a new study.

B.It is based on a doubtful assumption.

C.It is backed by strong evidence.

D.It is open to further discussion.



阅读理解The question of whether our government should promote science and technology o
r the liberal arts in higher education isn’t an either/or proposition (命题), although the current emphasis on preparing young Americans for STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) -related fields can make it seem that way.

The latest congressional report acknowledges the critical importance of technical training, but also asserts that the study of the humanities (人文科学) and social sciences must remain central components of America’s educational system at all levels. Both areas are critical to producing citizens who can participate effectively in our democratic society, become innovative (创新的) leaders, and benefit from the spiritual enrichment that the reflection on the great ideas of mankind over time provides.

Parents and students who have invested heavily in higher education worry about graduates’ job prospects as technological advances and changes in domestic and global markets transform. professions in ways that reduce wages and cut jobs. Under these circumstances, it’s natural to look for what may appear to be the most “practical” way out of the problem: “Major in a subject designed to get you a job” seems the obvious answer to some, though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as “soft” often, in fact, lead to employment and success in the long run. Indeed, according to surveys, employers have expressed a preference for students who have received a broadly-based education that has taught them to write well, think critically, research creatively, and communicate easily.

Moreover, students should be prepared not just for their first job, but for their 4th and 5th jobs, as there’s little reason to doubt that people entering the workforce today will be called upon to play many different roles over the course of their careers. The ones who will do the best in this new environment will be those whose educations have prepared them to be flexible. The ability to draw upon every available tool and insight—picked up from science, arts, and technology—to solve the problems of the future, and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, will be helpful to them and the United States.

56. What does the latest congressional report suggest?

A. STEM-related subjects help students find jobs in the information society.

B. The humanities and STEM subjects should be given equal importance.

C. The liberal arts in higher education help enrich students’ spiritual life.

D. Higher education should be adjusted to the practical needs of society.

57. What is the main concern of students when they choose a major?

A. Their interest in relevant subjects.

B. The academic value of the courses.

C. The quality of education to receive.

D. Their chances of getting a good job.

58. What does the author say about the so-called soft subjects?

A. They benefit students in their future life.

B. They broaden students’ range of interests.

C. They improve students’ communication skills.

D. They are essential to students’ healthy growth.

59. What kind of job applicants do employers look for?

A. Those who have a strong sense of responsibility.

B. Those who are good at solving practical problems.

C. Those who are likely to become innovative leaders.

D. Those who have received a well-rounded education.

60. What advice does the author give to college students?

A. Seize opportunities to tap their potential.

B. Try to take a variety of practical courses.

C. Prepare themselves for different job options.

D. Adopt a flexible approach to solving problems.



Television has changed the lifestyle. of people in every industrialized country in the wor
ld. In the United States, where sociologists have studied the effects, some interesting observations have been made.

Television, although not essential, has become an important part of most people’s lives. It alters people's ways of seeing the world; in many ways, it supports and sustains (维持) modern life. Television has become a baby-sitter, an introducer of conversations, the major transmitter of culture, a keeper of tradition. Yet when what can be seen on TV in one day is critically analyzed, it becomes evident that television is not a teacher but a sustainer; the poor quality of programming does not elevate (提高)people into greater understanding, but rather maintains and encourages the life as it exists.

The primary reason for the lack of quality in American television is related to both the history of TV programming development and the economics of TV. Television in America began with the radio. Radio companies and their sponsors first experimented with television. Therefore, the close relationship which the advertisers had with radio programs became the system for American TV. Sponsors not only paid money for time within programs, but many actually produced the programs. Thus, in American society, television is primarily concerned with reflecting and attracting society rather than experimenting with new ideas. Advertisers want to attract the largest viewing audience possible. To do so requires that the programs be entertaining rather than educational, attractive rather than challenging.

Television in America today remains, to a large extent, with the same organization and standards as it had thirty years ago. The hope for further development and true achievement toward improving society will require a change in the entire system.

According to the author American television is poor in quality because ______.

A.advertisers are interested in experimenting with new ideas

B.it is still at an early stage of development, compared with the radio

C.the programs have to be developed in the interests of the sponsors for economic reasons

D.it is controlled by radio companies



— What's your major please?


A.Who knows

B.I'm majoring in Interior Design

C.I'm not sure



Amtrak(美国铁路客运公司) was experiencing a downswing in ridership(客运量) along the lines

Amtrak(美国铁路客运公司) was experiencing a downswing in ridership(客运量) along the lines comprising its rail system. Of major concern to Amtrak and its advertising agency DDB Needham, were the long-distance western routes where ridership had been declining significantly.

At one time, trains were the only practical way to cross the vast areas of the west. Trains were fast, very luxurious, and quite convenient compared to other forms of transportation existing at the time. However, times change and the automobile became America's standard of convenience. Also, air travel had easily established itself as the fastest method of traveling great distances. Therefore, the task for DDB Needham was to encourage consumers to consider other aspects of train travel in order to change their attitudes and increase the likelihood that trains would be considered for travel in the west.

Two portions of the total market were targeted: 1) anxious fliers—those concerned with safety, relaxation, and cleanliness; 2) travel-lovers—those viewing themselves as relaxed, casual, and interested in the travel experience as part of their vacation. The agency then developed a campaign that focused on travel experiences such as freedom, escape, relaxation, and enjoyment of the great western outdoors. It stressed experiences gained by using the trains and portrayed western train trips as wonderful adventures.

Advertisements showed pictures of the beautiful scenery that could be enjoyed along some of the more famous western routes and emphasized the romantic names of some of these trains (Empire Builder, etc.).These ads were strategically placed among family-oriented TV shows and programs involving nature and America in order to most effectively reach target audiences. Results were impressive. The Empire Builder, which was focused on in one ad, enjoyed a 15 percent increase in profits on its Chicago to Seattle route.

What's the author's purpose in writing this passage?

A.To show the inability of trains to compete with planes with respect to speed and convenience.

B.To stress the influence of the automobile on America's standard of convenience.

C.To emphasize the function of travel agencies in market promotion.

D.To illustrate the important role of persuasive communication in changing consumer attitudes.



According to a survey, which was based on the responses of over 188,000 students, today's
traditional-age college freshmen are "more materialistic and less altruistic(利他主义的)"than at any time in the 17 years of the poll.

Not surprising in these hard times, the student's major objective "is to be financially well off. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life". It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting.

Interest in teaching, social service and the "altruistic" fields is at a low. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up.

That's no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of her college instructors her first year on the job—even before she completed her two-year associate degree.

While it's true that we all need a career, it is equally true that our civilization has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own and that we are better for our understanding of these other contributions- be they scientific or artistic. It is equally true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More important, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.

Weekly we read of unions who went on strike for higher wages, only to drive their employer out of business. No company; no job. How shortsighted in the long run!

But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense. I saw a cartoon recently which shows a group of businessmen looking puzzled as they sit around a conference table; one of them is talking on the intercom(对讲机): "Miss Baxter", he says, "could you please send in someone who can distinguish right from wrong?"

From the long-term point of view, that's what education really ought to be about.

According to the author's observation, college students ______.

A.have never been so materialistic as today

B.have never been so interested in the arts

C.have never been so financially well off as today

D.have never attached so much importance to mutual sense



Which of the following is the major concern of the passage about a student's needs?A.Indiv

Which of the following is the major concern of the passage about a student's needs?

A.Individualism and cooperation.

B.Academic success and independent thinking.

C.Socialization and feeling of confidence.

D.Intelligence and respect.



It sounds great right now to say we'll have NBA games in July and we'll have Major League Baseball games in July and maybe college football in the Fall.That sounds great and it's optimistic and it's a fun thought()there's no way for sure to know if any of them can happen.





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