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Trying to Find a Partner One of the most striking findings of a recent poll in the UK is t

Trying to Find a Partner

One of the most striking findings of a recent poll in the UK is that of the people interviewed, one in two believes that it is becoming more difficult to meet someone to start a family with.

Why are many finding it increasingly difficult to start and sustain intimate relationships? Does modern life really make it harder to fall in love? Or are we making it harder for ourselves?

It is certainly the case today that contemporary couples benefit in different ways from relationships. Women no longer rely upon partners for economic security or status. A man doesn't expect his spouse to be in sole charge of running his household and raising his children.

But perhaps the knowledge that we can live perfectly well without a partnership means that it takes much more to persuade people to abandon their independence.

In theory, finding a partner should be much simpler these days. Only a few generations ago, your choice of soul mate (心上人) was constrained by geography, social convention and family tradition. Although it was never explicit, many marriages were essentially arranged.

Now those barriers have been broken down. You can approach a builder or a brain surgeon in any bar in any city on any given evening. When the world is your oyster (牡蛎), you surely have a better chance of finding a pearl.

But it seems that the old conventions have been replaced by an even tighter constraint: the tyranny of choice.

The expectations of partners are inflated to an unmanageable degree: good looks, impressive salary, kind to grandmother, and right socks. There is no room for error in the first impression.

We think that a relationship can be perfect. If it isn't, it is disposable. We work to protect ourselves against future heartache and don't put in the hard emotional labor needed to build a strong relationship. Of course, this is complicated by realities. The cost of housing and child-rearing creates pressure to have a stable income and career before a life partnership.

What does the recent poll show?

A.It is getting more difficult for a woman to find her husband.

B.It is getting increasingly difficult to start a family.

C.It is getting more difficult for a man to find his wife.

D.It is getting increasingly difficult to develop an intimate relationship with your spouse.

更多“Trying to Find a Partner One of the most striking findings of a recent poll in the UK is t”相关的问题


This passage is trying to tell us about______.A.motorists'troubles in parking their cars i

This passage is trying to tell us about______.

A.motorists'troubles in parking their cars in cities

B.the reason why a new kind of hotel is getting popular

C.which place is better for people to stay for the night

D.how to find a place to park your car when traveling



听力原文:M: Could you give me your office phone number or fax number so that we can contac
t each other more often?

W: But I' ve been trying to find a new job in another company. You see, I' ve worked here for 3 years without a raise. That' s unfair to me.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She doesn't have a fax machine.

B.She may quit her present job soon.

C.She is tired of her present job.

D.Her phone number has changed.



Obviously, nuclear power can never be the only (solve) ________ to energy crisis.27.

Obviously, nuclear power can never be the only (solve) ________ to energy crisis.

27. It was in his childhood that he read most of the books (write) ________ by Mark Twain.

28. Nobody at the meeting would (belief) ________ that the new proposal could be carried out smoothly.

29.If the rent is as much as $750 a month, water, gas and electricity should (include) ________.

30. The lecture was so (bore)________ that many classroom fell asleep.

31. Mr. Smith considered (sell) ________ his car and his house before moving to Beijing.

32. My mother (enjoy) ________ a better health since we came to live in this beautiful seaside city.

33. The government is trying to find a way to deal with the problem of pollution (effective) ________.

34. The young man did not have enough money; otherwise he (buy) ________ a more expensive watch.

35. With the help of the police, the woman finally found her (lose) ________ child after a sleepless night.



Did you ever have someone's name on the tip of your tongue and yet you were unable to reca
ll it? (21) this happens again, do not try to recall it. Do something (22) for a couple of minutes, and the name may come into your head. The name is there. Since you have met (23) person and learned his name. It only has to be dug out. The initial effort to recall (24) the mind for operation, but it is the subconscious (25) that go to work to dig up a dim memory. Forcing yourself to recall almost never helps because it doesn't loosen your memory; it only tightens it. Students find the preparatory method helpful (26) examinations. They read over the questions (27) trying to answer any of them. Then they answer first the ones (28) which they are most confident. Meanwhile, deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking (29) ; work is being done on the more difficult question. By the time the easier questions are answered, answers to the more difficult ones will usually begin to (30) into consciousness. It is often just a question of waiting for recall to come to the memory.


A. Whether

B. When

C. While

D. As



Did you ever have someone's name on the tip of your tongue and yet you were unable to reca
ll it?【21】this happens again, do not try to recall it. Do something【22】for a couple of minutes, and the name may come into your head. The name is there. Since you have met【23】person and learned his name. It only has to be dug out. The initial effort to recall【24】the mind for operation, but it is the subconscious【25】that go to work to dig up a dim memory. Forcing yourself to recall almost never helps because it doesn't loosen your memory; it only tightens it. Students find the preparatory method helpful【26】examinations. They read over the questions【27】trying to answer any of them. Then they answer first the ones【28】which they are most confident. Meanwhile, deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking【29】; work is being done on the more difficult question. By the time the easier questions are answered, answers to the more difficult ones will usually begin to【30】into consciousness. It is often just a question of waiting for recall to come to the memory.








One of the advantages of taking notes is that it forces you to pay closer attention to the
class lecture. If you listen【36】to a professor who is talking on and on for an hour or so, your mind will often【37】and your attention will lessen. You are sitting in class and listening, but that【38】you are doing;【39】, when you listen actively you have to pay more careful and【40】attention to what【41】. This is because you are trying to【42】what you hear into an【43】, shortened written form. As a foreign student, you may find【44】very difficult to listen and write notes【45】at the same time. It is difficult【46】, but you will learn how to do【47】with practice. You【48】afraid you will forget what you are listening to【49】you are listening and writing at the same time, but the studies of researchers【50】the value of note-taking in【51】lecture material have shown that learners remember【52】reproduced in some note form. much better than lecture information they have listened to【53】down in note form. So doing two things at the same time is better than doing one thing【54】. We do not say it is【55】; we say it is better.








Archimedes was a famous Greek mathematician and scientist. He was born around 287 BC and h
e died in the year 212 BC.

Archimedes is most well-known for one specific idea that he came up with. "Archimede's Principle" states that a solid object which is immersed in a liquid is pushed up by a force which is equal to the weight of the water that the object moves. For example, if you put a piece of wood and a piece of gold the same size in water, only the wood will float. Both the wood and gold move the same amount of water, but the wood weighs less than this water, while the gold weighs more.

It is believed that Archimedes discovered this principle when the king of Syracuse asked him to solve a problem. The king wanted to know if his crown was pure gold or a mixture of gold and silver. The king, of course, did not melt his crown to find out. The idea came to Archimedes as he lowered himself into his bath. He noticed how the water spilled out of the tub. He decided to use the same idea for the crown. He knew that a gold crown immersed in water would weigh more than one made of silver. The experiment was done and the goldsmith was proved guilty of trying to cheat the king.

A good title for the selection is ______.


B.Archimedes' Principle

C.A gold and silver crown

D.The king of Syracuse



A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply--all these
were important factors, in helping England to become the center for the

Industrial Revolution. (31) they were not enough. Something else was needed to start the industrial process. That "something special" was men-- (32) individuals

who could invent machines, find new sources of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society. The men who (33) the machines of the Industrial Revolution came from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were (34) inventors than scientists. A

man who is a pure scientist is primarily interested in doing his research (35) . He is not necessarily working so that his findings can be used. An inventor or one

interested in applied science is (36) trying to make something that has a concrete idea. He may try to solve a problem by using the theories (37) science or by

experimenting through trial and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain a specific result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a

light bulb, or one of (38) other objectives. Most of the people who developed the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even

those who had (39) or no training in science might not have made their inventions if a groundwork had not been laid by scientists years (40) .A.ButB.AndC.Besides D.Even



Now which are the animals really to be pitied in captivity? First, those clever beings who
se lively urge for activity can find no outlet behind the bars of the cage. This is most conspicuous, even for the uninitiated, in the case of animals which, when living in a free state, are accustomed to roaming about widely. Owing to this frustrated desire, foxes and wolves housed, in many old fashioned zoos, in cages which are far too small, are among the most pitiable of all caged animals.

Though pinioned swans generally seem happy, under proper care, by hatching and rearing their young without any trouble, at migration time things become different: they repeatedly swim to the lee side of the pond, in order to have the whole extent of its surface at their disposal, trying to take off. Again and again the grand preparations end in a pathetic flutter of their half wings; a truly sorry picture!

This, however, rarely awakens the pity of the zoo visitor, least of all when such an originally highly intelligent and mentally alert animal has deteriorated, in confinement, into a crazy idiot, a very caricature of its former self. Sentimental old ladies, the fanatical sponsors of the societies for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, have no compunction in keeping a grey parrot in a relatively small cage or even chained to a perch. Together with the large corvines, the parrots are probably the only birds which suffer from that state of mind, common to prisoners, namely, boredom.

What is an "outlet" in the context of this passage?

A.An opportunity for expression.

B.A place to let.

C.A chance of escape into a wood.

D.An exit for a marketer.



??Have you ever heard the old saying,“Never judge a book by its cover”?This is a good rule
to(1)when trying to judge the intelligence of others.Some people have minds that shine only in certain situations.A young man with an unusual(2)in creative writing may find himself speechless in the presence of a pretty girl.He searches awkwardly for words and does not talk smoothly.But don’t make the mistake of thinking him stupid.(3) a pen and paper,he can express himself very well.

Other people may fool you into overestimating their intelligence by(4)a good appearance.A student who listens attentively and take notes in class is bound to make a favorable impression on his teachers.But when it(5)exams,he may score near the bottom of the class.

The (6) idea is that you can’t judge someone by appearance.The only way to determine a person’s intelligence is to get to know him.Then you can observe(7)he reacts to different situations.The(8)situations you observe,the more accurateyour judgment is(9)to be.So(10).Don’t judge the book by its cover.??









A.turns to

B.comes to

C.gets to

D.leads to

















A.count on your time

B.ahead of your time

C.fall behind your time

D.take your time

A.putting up with

B.putting on

C.putting up

D.putting off






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