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This new view of particles was initiated by Dirac when he formulated a relativistic

equation describing the behavior. of electrons.

更多“This new view of particles was initiated by Dirac when he formulated a relativistic”相关的问题


Inthewriter'sview,themorenewgoodsthereare,______. A.thelesspollutionwehave B.theharde

In the writer's view, the more new goods there are,______.

A. the less pollution we have

B. the harder pollution can be done away with

C. the more pollution there will be

D. the more easily pollution can be controlled



Dreamweaver的站点(Site)菜单中,Site Map View→Link to New File表示?A. 将一个选定文件作为

Dreamweaver的站点(Site)菜单中,Site Map View→Link to New File表示?

A. 将一个选定文件作为地图的起始点

B. 创建一个新文件而后添加一链接至选定页面

C. 在选定页面中添加一文本至当前文件

D. 更新链接



Tina: Polly, do you spend most of your spare time on the Internet?Polly: Honesty speaking,

Tina: Polly, do you spend most of your spare time on the Internet?

Polly: Honesty speaking, no. I&39;m not one of those guys who are always playing online games orsurfing the Internet. I think, nowadays, many people spend too much time on their computers andmobile phones, but not enough time in front of one another.

From Polly&39;s point of view, people should___________ .

A.surf the Internet

B.learn more new things

C.play online games

D.communicate with one another



Please accept my greeting from New York.I am just beginning my graduate (研究院) studi

Please accept my greeting from New York.I am just beginning my graduate (研究院) studies here at this university. It is the third week of classes now. My roommate, Tom, is also a graduate student like me. He is studying biology (生物学). He is from Houston. We are now on good terms.

Our dormitory m going to buy one this afternoon. The view on the window is pleasant, and the weather is hot in the summer right now. It is about 38 degrees outside the room. But we have air conditioning in the room, so I feel OK.

How are you getting on? Are you still working on your paper now?

Please say "Hello" to those who have taught me. I miss all of you very much.


Wang Hui

6.Wang Hui is writing to her former teacher.



7.From the passage, we know that Wang Hui is a new graduate student in New York.



8.Tom is from Houston.



9.Wang Hui thinks her dormitory is too big.



10.Wang Hui is going to move to another room.





(a) The following figures have been calculated from the financial statements (including co

(a) The following figures have been calculated from the financial statements (including comparatives) of Barstead for

the year ended 30 September 2009:

increase in profit after taxation 80%

increase in (basic) earnings per share 5%

increase in diluted earnings per share 2%


Explain why the three measures of earnings (profit) growth for the same company over the same period can

give apparently differing impressions. (4 marks)

(b) The profit after tax for Barstead for the year ended 30 September 2009 was $15 million. At 1 October 2008 the company had in issue 36 million equity shares and a $10 million 8% convertible loan note. The loan note will mature in 2010 and will be redeemed at par or converted to equity shares on the basis of 25 shares for each $100 of loan note at the loan-note holders’ option. On 1 January 2009 Barstead made a fully subscribed rights issue of one new share for every four shares held at a price of $2·80 each. The market price of the equity shares of Barstead immediately before the issue was $3·80. The earnings per share (EPS) reported for the year ended 30 September 2008 was 35 cents.

Barstead’s income tax rate is 25%.


Calculate the (basic) EPS figure for Barstead (including comparatives) and the diluted EPS (comparatives not required) that would be disclosed for the year ended 30 September 2009. (6 marks)



4 When a prominent football club, whose shares were listed, announced that it was to build
a new stadium on land

near to its old stadium, opinion was divided. Many of the club’s fans thought it a good idea because it would be more

comfortable for them when watching games. A number of problems arose, however, when it was pointed out that the

construction of the new stadium and its car parking would have a number of local implications. The local government

authority said that building the stadium would involve diverting roads and changing local traffic flow, but that it would

grant permission to build the stadium if those issues could be successfully addressed. A number of nearby residents

complained that the new stadium would be too near their homes and that it would destroy the view from their gardens.

Helen Yusri, who spoke on behalf of the local residents, said that the residents would fight the planning application

through legal means if necessary. A nearby local inner-city wildlife reservation centre said that the stadium’s

construction might impact on local water levels and therefore upset the delicate balance of animals and plants in the

wildlife centre. A local school, whose pupils often visited the wildlife centre, joined in the opposition, saying that whilst

the school supported the building of a new stadium in principle, it had concerns about disruption to the wildlife centre.

The football club’s board was alarmed by the opposition to its planned new stadium as it had assumed that it would

be welcomed because the club had always considered itself a part of the local community. The club chairman said

that he wanted to maintain good relations with all local people if possible, but at the same time he owed it to the fans

and the club’s investors to proceed with the building of the new stadium despite local concerns.


(a) Define ‘stakeholder’ and explain the importance of identifying all the stakeholders in the stadium project.

(10 marks)



阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容判断文章后的句子是正确(T)还是错误(F)。There are eight traditional functions of marketing:

Buying:A marketer focuses on buyers'needs and desires in order to decide what products to make available.Understanding buyers'behavior is of great importance.

Selling:Marketers usually view selling as a persuasive activity that is completed through promotion.Selling includes personal selling, advertising, and other selling methods.It is probably the function of marketing that we most often see in our daily life.

Transporting:Transporting is physically moving the product from the seller to the buyer.Marketers focus on transporting costs and services.

Storing:Like transporting, storing is an aspect of the physical distribution of products.Storing includes warehousing activities.Warehouses hold products for long periods sometimes in order to create time utility.

Grading:Grading involves sorting products according to size and quality.This makes buying and selling easier because it reduces the need for inspection and sampling.

Financing:For many products, such as automobiles, fridges and new homes, the purchase is facilitated when the marketer provides credit that makes the purchasing of the product possible.

Marketing research:Through research, marketers may find out the need for new products and services.By gathering information on a regular basis, they can better plan, carry out and control marketing activities.

Risk taking:It involves bearing the uncertainties that are part of the marketing process.Most marketing decisions result in either success or failure that is associated with risk.

1.It is very important to understand buyers'behavior.

2.Marketers usually use different selling methods.

3.Marketers ignore transporting costs and services.

4.Both transporting and storing are the aspects of the physical distribution of products.

5.Marketers provide credit that makes the purchasing of automobiles, fridges and new homes possible.



A young pair of pandas is expected to settle in their new home in the Atlanta's Zoo to- mo
rrow, tile Beijing Youth Daily reported yesterday.

Born in the Chengdu Panda Breeding Base, the two, named Jiu Jiu and Hua Hua, will .spend the next 10 years in the United States. At a cost of $ 4 million, their new home is an exact copy of the natural environment where they lived in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in Southwest China. The panda house is also equipped with advanced facilities to study pandas in an all-around way, said the report. Visitors can view pandas in a separate room inside the

panda house, which is open to public every day.

As part of an international co operative plan to protect and study panda, the co-operation between Chengdu and Atlanta has finally come to an agreement after three years of discussion. And the research fund of $ 5 million raised by Atlanta's zoo has also contributed to the co-operation.

After a flight in a huge and comfortable case, Jiu Jiu and Hua Hua will be put under quarantine(隔离) for two weeks upon their arrival. And a welcome ceremony will be held for them in Atlanta on November 20, with ambassador(大使) Li, former U. S. President Carter and his wife, the Georgia governor and mayor of Atlanta.

Where is the two panda's original home?

A.Some mountains in Siehuan Province.

B.A certain base in the city of Chengdu.

C.The Atlantic Zoo in the United States.

D.A separate room inside the panda house.



回答题:Too much to read!It’S impossible to find time to read today’S top business books an


Too much to read!It’S impossible to find time to read today’S top business books and thousands are published each year.Yet not keeping up with those books could be a serious and expensive mistake.Often the ideas and insights they contain are available nowhere else.

But how Can you even(19)_______ which titles are worthwhile,let alone find time to read them?Fortunately,there’S a(20)_______ :Sound view Executive Book Summaries.It really(21)_______ In fact,it"s(22)_______ o work.It is ingenious and essential.Every month, you(23)_______ two or three quick readin9,time saving(24)_______ of the best new business books.Each contains all the key points in the(25)_______ book.The big difference,instead of 200 t0 500 pages,the summary is only several pages.Instead of(26)_______ five,ten or more hours to read,it takes just l5 minutes.

Of the thousands of business books(27)_______ annually,only a(28)_______ are really worth readin9.To save your time,our Editorial Board goes over them all(29)_______ 90%.Our standards are(30)_______ ,and the criteria rigorous.

When a book meets all our tests,we prepare a summary,instead of a review or a digest.

You get a skillful distillation that preserves the content and spirit of the(31)_______ books.

The titles cover every(32)_______ 0f concem to business people today.There’S(33)

else like Sound view Executive Book Summaries ……

回答第19题。 查看材料








A.PAR% 随着RR的减小而增加

B.PAR% 随着RR的减小而减小

C.当RR相同时,PAR% 随着Pe的减小而增加

D.当RR相同时,PAR% 随着Pe的减小而减小

E.当Pe相同时,PAR% 随着RR的减小而增加

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