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The story was so funny that everyone______.A.laughedB.interestedC.amusedD.joked

The story was so funny that everyone______.





更多“The story was so funny that everyone______.A.laughedB.interestedC.amusedD.joked”相关的问题


There are stories about two U.S. presidents, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, which at
tempt to explain the American English term OK. We don’t know if either story is true, but they are both interesting. The first explanation is based on the fact that President Jackson had very little education. In fact, he had difficulty reading and writing. When important papers came to Jackson, he tried to read them and then had his assistants explain what they said. If he approved of a paper, he would write “all correct” on it. The problem was that he didn’t know how spell, so what he really wrote was “ol korekt”. After a while, he shortened that term to “OK”. The second explanation is based on the place where President Van Buren was born, Kinderhook, New York. Van Buren’s friends organized a club to help him become President. They called the club the Old Kinderhook Club, and anyone who supported Van Buren was called “OK”. The author_______________. A. believes both of the stories

B. doesn’t believe a word of the stories

C. is not sure whether the stories are true

D. is telling the stories just for fun

According to the first story, the term “OK”________________.A.was approved of by President Jackson

B.was the title of some official documents

C.was first used by President Jackson

D.was an old way to spell “all correct”

According to the passage, President Jackson________________.A.couldn’t draw up any documents at all

B.didn’t like to read important papers by himself

C.often had his assistants sign documents for him

D.wasn’t good at reading or spelling

According to the second story, the term “OK”______________.A.was the short way to say “Old Kinderhook Club”

B.meant the place where President Van Buren was born

C.was the name of Van Buren’s club

D.was used to call Van Buren’s supporters in the election

According to the second story, the term “OK” was first used____________.A.by Van Buren

B.in a presidential election

C.to organize the Old Kinderhook Club

D.by the members of the “Old Kinderhook Club”




People in the small village have never heard of ______before.A.so a shocking storyB.a so s

People in the small village have never heard of ______before.

A.so a shocking story

B.a so shocking story

C.so shocking a story

D.a such shocking story



She told us ______ story that we all forgot about the time. A. such an interesting B

She told us ______ story that we all forgot about the time.

A. such an interesting

B. such interesting a

C. so an interesting

D. a so interesting



We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have ______ one this


B.the other





Once a month,just after sunset, trucks fill an outdoor parking lot in Los Angeles, California.Some trucks sell all kinds of food. Others have clothing for sale. These are known as fashion (时尚)trucks.

It&39;s really fun to go through everything in the truck. The back of the truck is a small store.Clothing hangs on one side. Jewelry(首饰) and purses are on the other. The store looks colorful andis well organized. There is also a very small room for trying on clothes.

Jordana Fortaleza is one of the truck owners. She says the cost of owning a truck is much lowerthan paying for a store. And there is another reason to use a truck. You can take your business toyour customers. But there are also difficulties.

The biggest problem is the weather. In winter, it&39; s cold outside and there&39; s no one around. Anotherproblem is keeping the truck in good condition. When it breaks down, the repairs can take days. Businessstops during the time. It happens at least once a year because her truck is 38 years old.

Meagan Rogers is a fashion school graduate. She says the job market is so hard now, but with afashion truck she&39; s able to start earning money while her classmates are still working without pay.

44.Which of the following is an advantage of a fashion truck?

A.It attracts more customers.

B.It costs less than a store.

C.It needs repairs once a year.

D.It has a small room in it.

What would be the best title for the text?A.Tips for Repairing Your Truck

B.How to Start a Clothes Store

C.The Story of a Fashion School

D.Fashion Trucks in Los Angeles

What do we know about Meagan Rogers?A.She has started making money.

B.She hasn' t finished her school.

C.She is happy to help her classmates.

D.She has problems with her truck.




A.He is very funny

B.His class is so much fun

C.He is very active



A wealthy Persian Prince loved good stories. The older he grew, the fonder he became of th
em. But he always regretted they had to have an end. So he decided to give half his wealth and his beautiful daughter to the man who could tell him a story without an end. Anybody who failed would be sent to prison for life. The risk was so great that nobody came to the palace to tell the Prince a story for a whole year. Then one day, a tall, handsome young man came and said he wanted to tell a story that would go on forever. The Prince agreed but warned him what would happen if he failed. "The risk is worth your fair daughter, " the young man replied poetically (得体地). He then began this well-known story:

" Once upon a time there was a certain King who feared famine. So he ordered his men to build an enormous storehouse, which he filled with corn. Then, when it was up, made water-proof and fire-proof, the King felt happy. But one day he noticed a small hole in the roof and as he looked at it, a locust came out with a grain of corn. A minute later, another locust came out with another grain of corn. Then a third locust with another grain of corn. Then a fourth locust, flying at great speed, pushed through the hole and came out with two grains of corn. Then a fifth locust came and. . . "

"Stop, " shouted the Prince. "I can't, " answered the young man. "I must go on until I tell you what happened to each grain of the corn. " "But that will go on forever. " The Prince protested. "Exactly, " the young man replied, and he smiled as he turned towards the Prince's beautiful young daughter.

The Prince always felt regretted about story because______.

A.he had too much wealth

B.there was a terrible famine

C.all stories have ends

D.there was no story-teller



When he finishes his studies at Princeton, he accepts a job at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. The story ends when he goes on to win the Nobel Prize in Economics. Five years later, he meets Alicia, a student who he falls in love with and eventually marries. A Beautiful Mind is a film about John Forbes Nash, the mathematician who won the Nobel Prize. He’s given this painful treatment which affects his relationship with his wife and his intellectual skills. So he stops the medicine. The story begins in the early years of Nash’s life as a graduate student. Nash believes that he’s been asked to work by William Parcher for the US Department of Defense on breaking Soviet codes.



The humorous story may be told to great length, and may wander around as much as it please
s, and arrive nowhere in particular; but the comic (滑稽的) story and the witty (诙谐的) story must be brief and end with a point. The humorous story continues gently along, the other two burst.

The humorous story is strictly a work of art--high and delicate (精美的) art--and only an artist can tell it; But no art is necessary in telling the comic and witty stories; anybody can do it. The art of telling a humorous story--I mean by word of mouth, not print--was created in America, and has remained at home.

The humorous story is told seriously; the teller does his best to hide the fact that he himself even suspects that there is anything funny about it; but the teller of the comic story tells you beforehand that it is one of the funniest things he has ever heard, then tells it with eager delight, and is the first person to laugh.

When he gets through, and sometimes, if he has had good success, he is so glad and happy that he will repeat the point of it and glance around from face to face, collecting applause (喝彩), and then repeat it again.

Which story takes the longest to tell? ()

A.The humorous story.

B.The witty story.

C.The comic story.

D.All three take the same amount of time.



根据以下内容回答题:Let US take a look at the chief thing in the story—the human body itsel


Let US take a look at the chief thing in the story—the human body itself.A human body appears to be rather soft and delicate,compared with that of a wild animal,but it is actually surprisingly strong.Indeed,its very softness and looseness are an advantage;it makes man good at moving about and falling about in safety.Man is the most skillful in movement of all living things of his own size,because he can do so many different things with his limbs.Man’s games show how he can control his own body.No other land creature can swim as skillfully as man;none has such varied grace;very few live as long as he;none is so strong in its natural resistance to disease.Therefore man has a great advantage in his battle against the risks of damage and death that threaten him.It is difficult to kill him as long as he is fed and in good health.Yet every day thousands of people die needlessly,even though man is naturally strong,because of those two killers,disease and starvation,with the battle.

Old age?No one can live forever,so one might’suppose that quite a large number of oldpeople would come to the end of their days every year.There is,however,another thing to re-member.During the time it has taken you to read this page,a considerable number of babies have been born somewhere in the wodd—one is born every one and a quarter seconds!Of these babies,one group can be expected to have a good long life of about seventy years,because they were lucky enough to be born in countries where living standards are high.

The deadliest of all killers are starvation and disease.We cannot be content until we have mastered them.To do so is one of the most important tasks of our times.

The softness and looseness of man’s body are an advantage because it__________ . 查看材料

A.makes him strong

B.makes him resistant to diseases

C.helps him to avoid injury

D.keeps him in good health

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