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Gestures, a body language of human beings,_________widely from culture to culture

Gestures, a body language of human beings, _________widely from culture to culture.

A. change

B. vary

C. differ

D. alternate

更多“Gestures, a body language of human beings,_________widely from culture to culture”相关的问题


We use both words and gestures to express our feelings ,but the problem is that these word
s and gestures can be understood in different ways .

It is true that a smile means the same thing in any language . So does laughter or crying . There are also a number of striking similarities in the way different animals show the same feelings . Dogs , tigers and humans , for example , often show their teeth when they are angry . This is probably because they are born with those behavior. patterns .

Fear is another emotion that is shown in much the same way all over the world . In Chinese and English literature , a phrase like “he went pale and began to tremble”suggests that the man is either very afraid or deeply shocked . However , “he opened his eyes wide ” is used to suggest anger in Chinese whereas in English it means surprise . In Chinese surprise can be described in a phrase like “they stretched out their tongues ”. Sticking out your tongue in English is an insulting gesture or expresses strong dislike .

Even in the same culture , people differ in the ability to understand and express feelings Experiments in America have shown that women are usually better than men at recognizing fear ,anger love and happiness on people’s faces . Other studies show that older people usually find it easier to recognize or understand body language than younger people do .

According to the passage , _________.

A.we can hardly understand what people’s gestures mean

B.words and gestures may have different meanings in different cultures

C.words can be better understand by older people

D.gestures can be better understand by most of the people while words can not

People’s facial expressions may be misunderstand because______。A.people of different ages may have different understandings

B.people have different cultures

C.people of different sexes may understand a gesture differently

D.people of different countries speak different languages

Even in the same culture , people_______.A.have different abilities to understand and express feelings

B.have exactly the same understanding of something

C.never fail to understand each other

D.are equally intelligent

From this passage .we can conclude_______.A.words are used as frequently as gestures

B.words are often found difficult to understand

C.words and gestures are both used in expressing feelings

D.gestures are more efficiently used than words

The best title for this passage be________.A.Words and Feelings

B.Words,Gestures and Feelings

C.Gestures and Feelings

D.Culture and Understanding




Some of the more obvious forms of nonverbal communication are gestures.Although we may
think of them as mainly hand and arm movements, gestures can be ___1___ by other parts of the body as well.Emblems are one type of movements.Emblems do not need speech to communicate ___2___.Putting the tip of an index finger on the tip of a thumb up with the remaining fingers pointing up and ___3___ out is an example of an emblem.This recognized sign for "OK" or "success" does not need any ___4___ word to identify it.Emblems not only serve the ___5___ role in nonverbal communication but they also have direct translation.For example, a thumb-up sign means "yes" or "go".A cupped hand behind the ear means "I can"t hear you".We don’t walk around with our thumbs up or a hand cupped behind our ear ___6___ we are sending a nonverbal message to someone.These messages are ___7___ sent and we must take responsibility for them.Nonverbal messages that have direct translation and exact meaning, which are ___8___ at a specific receiver, and consciously sent, are emblems.Emblems are also different across cultures.In the United States, ___9___ your index finger at your temple with the thumb upright means "shooting yourself in the head".In Japan, an emblem describing ___10___ is pushing a closed fist near your stomach to describe the plunge of a knife in your vital organs.


















Verbal skills in another culture can generally be mastered if one studies hard enough,
but nonverbal skills are much more difficult to learn. Nonverbal behavior. includes areas such as eye contact, facial expressions, postures, gestures, and the use of time, space,and territory. The messages sent by body language and the way we arrange time and space have always been open to interpretation. Does a raised eyebrow mean that your boss doubts your statement or just that she is seriously considering it? Does a closed door to an office mean that your coworker is angry or just that he is working on a project that requires concentration? Deciphering nonverbal communication is difficult for people who are culturally similar, and it is even more troublesome when cultures differ.

In Western cultures, for example, people perceive silence as negative. It suggests rejection, unhappiness, facial expression, regret, embarrassment, or ignorance.

However, the Japanese admire silence and consider it a key to success. A Japanese proverb says, “Those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know.”

Over 60 percent of Japanese businesswomen said that they would prefer to marry silent men. Silence is equated with wisdom.

1. According to this passage, what does nonverbal communication include?()

A.The use of time

B.Facial expressions


D.All of the above

2. What does a raised eyebrow mean?()

A.Your boss doubts your statement.

B.Your boss is seriously considering your statement.

C.Your boss is unhappy with your statement.

D.The message sent by the raised eyebrow may be interpreted differently by people of another culture.

3. What is the main idea of Paragraph One?()

A.Verbal communication is important.

B.Nonverbal skills are more difficult to learn amongdifferent cultures.

C.Nonverbal communication is easy to learn.

D.Verbal skills are easy to be mastered.

4. How do western people view silence?()

A.It is positive.

B.It is approved.

C.It suggests unhappiness.

D.It suggests agreement.

5. “Those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know.”What does this Japanese proverb imply?()

A.It is negative.

B.It suggests embarrassment.

C.It suggests unhappiness.

D.It is equated with wisdom.










Your gestures need to accompany and()what you are saying()。







What can we learn from this passage?A.Men ought to make gestures of politeness towards wom

What can we learn from this passage?

A.Men ought to make gestures of politeness towards women.

B.Women ought to make gestures of politeness towards men.

C.Women have achieved equality with men.

D.Men are beginning to treat women as equal human beings.



There was a time when, if a lady got onto a crowded bus or train, a gentleman would im
mediately stand up and offer her his seat. Today a gentleman will probably look out of the window or hide behind his newspaper. Either way, the lady will have to stand until someone gets off.

You can' t entirely blame men for this change in manners. The days are gone when women could be treated as the weaker sex. A whole generation of women has grown up demanding equality with men; not just equality in jobs or education, but in social attitudes. Hold a door open for some women and you're likely to get an angry lecture on treating women as inferiors, unable to open doors for themselves. Take a girl out for a meal and she'll probably insist on paying her share of the bill.

It' s no wonder, then, that men have given up some of the gestures of politeness and consideration which they used to show towards women. On the other hand, man' s politeness is perhaps slowly being replaced by true consideration for the needs and feelings of women, so that men can see women as equal human beings.

1.What is replacing men' s gestures of politeness?()

A.More graceful politeness towards women

B.More consideration for women' s needs and feelings

C.More equal treatment to women in every respect

D.More impolite gestures of social behavior. to women

2.What can we learn from this passage?()

A.Men ought to make gestures of politeness towards women

B.Women ought to make gestures of politeness towards men

C.Women have achieved equality with men

D.Men are beginning to treat women as equal human beings

3.Which of the following statements is true?()

A.Men have become less and less polite to women

B.The women are thought of as the weaker sex

C.The women could not open doors for themselves

D.Men' s attitudes towards women are reasonable

4.What do gentlemen now do when a lady gets on a crowded bus or train.()

A.They will stand up reluctantly

B.They will offer her their seats after a while

C.They will pretend not to see her

D.They will get off the bus

5.Why are some women likely to get angry as a man holds the door open for them?()

A.Because the man should not hold the door open

B.Because they think they are looked down upon

C.Because they are treated too politely

D.Because men often offend women in this manner







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