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When I arrived, I learned Mary ______ for almost an hour.A.had goneB.had set offC.had left

When I arrived, I learned Mary ______ for almost an hour.

A.had gone

B.had set off

C.had left

D.had been away

更多“When I arrived, I learned Mary ______ for almost an hour.A.had goneB.had set offC.had left”相关的问题


When I arrived she greeted me at the door, her kids all ________ behind.A. standingB.

When I arrived she greeted me at the door, her kids all ________ behind.

A. standing

B. stood

C. have been standing

D. were standing



Paparazzi Pirate: Blog 139

I had just woken up when I 1 a call from Pepe at La Gaviota restaurant. He told me that some big names were coming for lunch. I left my house as soon as I had phoned my editor to check what shots he wanted. I arrived at 11 am and 2 behind the bushes with my camera.

I had been there 3 about two hours before an interesting car arrived. I saw George Clooney and his new girlfriend get out. 4 , I couldn’t get a good photo. Then, suddenly, I realised that they were going to the back door of the restaurant. I got on my motorbike and 5 their limousine. This time, I took a 6 shot of Clooney; he even smiled at me! I put the film in my pocket.

Just then Clooney’s bodyguard saw me. He wanted the film. We fought and I just managed to 7 . I rushed to the office on my bike, but when I arrived andsearched 8 the film, I realised that it had 9 out of my pocket during the fight. I felt really 10 !

1 A accepted B dialed C got

2 A hid B hidden C hides

3 A with B for C till

4 A Furthermore B Besides C Unfortunately

5 A ran B chased C rushed

6 A perfect B bad C ugly

7 A escape B win C defeat

8 A on B by C for

9 A hopped B fallen C escaped

10 A good B relaxed C stupid



Nowadays most people decide quite【61】what kind of work they would do. When I was at school
, we had to choose【62】when we were fifteen. I chose scientific subjects. "【63】, scientists will earn a lot of money," my parents said.【64】I tried to learn physics and chemistry, but in the【65】I decided that I【66】a scientist. It was a long time【67】I told my parents that I wasn't happy at school. " I didn't think you were," said my mother. "【68】," said my father. "Well, the best thing to do now is to look for a job. "

I【69】about it with my friends Frank and Lesley.【70】of them【71】suggest anything, but they promised that they would ask their friends. A few days later【72】I was still in bed,【73】telephoned. "Is that Miss Jenkins?" a man' s voice asked. "I【74】your hobby is photography and I've got a job that might interest you in my clothes factory. My name is Mr. Thomson. " He seemed pleasant on the phone【75】I went to see him. I was so excited that I almost forgot【76】goodbye. "Good luck!" my mother said to me.

I arrived【77】early and when Mr. Thomson came he asked me if I【78】waiting a long time. "No, not long. " I replied. After talking to me for about twenty minutes he【79】me a job —not as a photographer,【80】a model!








I was only eight years old when the Second World War ended, but I can still remember somet
hing about the victory celebrations in the small town where I lived. We had not suffered much from the war there, though like most children of my age, I was used to see-ing bombed houses in the streets and the enormous army lorries passing through. But both at home and at school I had become accustomed to the phrases "before the war" and "when the war's over." "Before the war," apparently, things had been better, though I was too young to understand why, except there had been no bombs then, and people had eaten things like ice cream and bananas, which I had only heard of. When the war was over, we would go back to London, but this meant very little to me. I did not remember what Lon-don was like.

What I remember now about VE Day was the afternoon and the evening. It was a fine May day. I remember coming home at about five o'clock. My father and mother came in about an hour later. After dinner I said I wanted to see the bonfire (篝火), so when it got dark my father took me to the end of the street. The bonfire was very high, and some peo-ple had collected some old clothes to dress the unmistakable figure with the moustache (小胡子) they had put on top of it. Just as we arrived, they set light to it. The flames rose and soon covered the "guy." Everyone was cheering and shouting, and an old woman came out of her house with two chairs and threw them on the fire to keep the fire going.

I stood beside my father until the fire started to go down, not knowing what to say. He said nothing either. He had fought in the First World War and may have been remem-bering the end of that. At last he said, "Well, that's it, son. Let's hope that this time it really will be the last one. "

Where did the narrator live before the Second World War?

A.In a small city.

B.In London.

C.In Europe.

D.In the countryside.



Mrs. Peters stopped playing the piano when she began to work. She had lived in a very smal
l flat, and there had been no room for a piano. But when she married, she had .a new flat which was big enough for one. So she decided to get one and her husband agreed and helped her. She saved some money, and her parents gave her a generous amount of money for her birthday. Then she went to a shop and said, "I'll choose whichever piano does not cost too much and fits into my living room.

When she had paid for the piano, the shop assistant asked her if she would like him to get it tuned(调音) every few months. Mrs. Peters agreed.

A few months later she heard from the shop that a man was coming to tune the piano at ten that morning. Now she had not cleaned the house yet, so it was dusty and untidy. Mrs. Peters hated having even the least amount of dirt, and felt ashamed whenever strange people saw her house like that. So she had to hurry to clean everything carefully. It meant a lot of effort, and it made her hot and tired, but anyhow, by the time the man arrived, everything was finished.

She opened the door, and the man was standing there with a big dog. "Good morning," the man said politely, "Will it disturb you if I bring my dog in, please? I' m blind, and he leads me wherever I go."

Mrs. Peters stopped playing the piano ______.

A.because she began to work

B.when she had no room to live in

C.because her flat was too small for a piano

D.when she got married



I was a freshman in college when I met the Whites. They were completely different from my
own family. Jane White and I became friends at school, and her family welcomed me like along-lost cousin.

In my family it was always important to place blame when anything bad happened. But the Whites didn't worry about who had done what. Mr. and Mrs. White had six children: three sons and three daughters.

In July, the White sisters and I decided to take a car trip to New York. The two oldest, Sarah and Jane, were college students, and the youngest, Amy had recently got a driver' s license, and was excited about practicing her driving on the trip.

The big sisters let Amy take over. She came to an intersection with a stop sign, but Amy continued without stopping. The driver of a large truck, crashed into our car.

Jane was killed instantly.

When Mr. and Mrs. White arrived at the hospital, they hugged us all.

To both of their daughters, and especially to Amy, over and over they simply said, "We' re so glad that you're alive."

I was astonished. No blame.

Later, I asked the Whites why they never talked about the fact that Amy was driving and had run a stop sign.

Mrs. White said, "Jane's gone, and nothing we say or do will bring her back. But Amy has her whole life ahead of her. How can she lead a full and happy life if she feels we blame her for her sister' s death?"

They were right. Amy graduated from college and got married several years ago, She works as a teacher of learning-disabled students. She' s also a mother of two little girls of her own, the oldest named Jane.

The writer of the article is ______ .

A.Mrs. White's niece

B.the Whites' cousin

C.Sarah' s friend at college

D.Jane' s friend at school



I fell in love with the minister's son in winter when I turned fourteen. He was not Chines
e.For Christmas I prayed for the boy, Robert. When I found out that my parents had invited the minister' s family over for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried in panic What would' Robert think of our shabby Chinese Christmas? What would he think of our noisy Chinese relatives who lacked proper American manners?

On Christmas Eve, my mother created abundant Chinese food. And then they arrived—the minister's family and all my relatives.Robert greeted hello, and I pretended he was not worthy of existence.

Dinner threw me deeper into disappointment.My relatives licked(舔)the ends of their chopsticks and reached across the table.Robert and his family waited patiently for a large plate to be passed to them.My relatives murmured with pleasure when my mother brought out the whole steamed fish.Robert made a face.Then my father reached his chopsticks just below the fish eye and picked out the soft meat. "Amy, your favorite, " he said, offering me the tender fish cheek.I wanted to disappear.

At the end of the meal, my father leaned back and burped(打嗝)loudly, thanking my mother for her fine cooking."It' s a police Chinese custom to show you are satisfied, "explained my father to our astonished guests.Robert was looking down at his plate with a reddish face.The minister managed to bring up a quiet burp.I was shocked into silence for the rest of the night.

After everyone had gone, my mother said to me, "You want to be the shame as American girls on the outside. "She handed me an early gift. It was a miniskirt. "But inside you must always be Chinese. You must be proud you are different. Your only shame is to have shame. "

It was not until years later that I was able to fully appreciate her lesson and the purpose behind her particular menu. For Christmas Eve that year, she had chosen excellent Chinese food.

When I found out the minister' s family would come for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried mainly because______.

A.I worried about our shabby Chinese Christmas

B.I worried about our Chinese relatives lacking American manners

C.I worried about meeting the minister' s family

D.I worried about being laughed at



_____ my visit to Europe, I finally arrived ____ Italy.

A.On, in

B.On, at

C.During, in

D.In, at



I was surprised that she was late, ______ since she usually arrived early.A.speciallyB.esp

I was surprised that she was late, ______ since she usually arrived early.







听力原文:To find out how the name Canada came about we must go back to the 16th century. A

听力原文: To find out how the name Canada came about we must go back to the 16th century. At that time the French dreamed of discovering and controlling more land, of expanding trade beyond their borders and of spreading their faith across the world. In 1535, Francois I, King of France, ordered a navigator named Jacques Cartier to explore the New World and search for a passage to India.

Cartier first arrived at the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, which he wanted to explore. He did not know what to expect but he hoped that this Gulf was just an arm of the ocean between two islands, if it was, be would soon be on his way to the Far East. So he sailed upstream along the St. Lawrence River. However, instead of reaching Asia he arrived at Quebec or Stadacona, as the Indians called it. It was at this point that the term "Canada" entered the country's history. Apparently the word "Canada" came from an Indian word Kanata, which means community or village. Cartier first used it when he referred to Stadacona or Quebec. What a huge village Canada is!


A.To build a new country.

B.To explore the New World.

C.To get in touch with the American Indians.

D.To know more about France.

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